Chapter Ten - Angel

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Three days have passed, not a single trace of the man who might have been the one to have harmed her mother. Mum still in the hospital, getting worse and worse as we speak. Jake and I have become more closer. 

I was sitting at the hospital chair, anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out of that room, so I could  see my mother. I had been visiting my mum everyday, but was rarely able to even glimpse at her. Jake had been by my side the whole time, and I am grateful for that. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, I defiantly do, considering the past days. I have been full of emotions those days. Sad, depressed, anxious, mad, furious, angry, sick, pressured. But now, one emotion stands, anxious. The doctor said he would try new medicines for her, considering the ones before had not been helping her recover. He told me once he finishes the treatment, I would be given the results and be able to see my mother.

Finally, the doctor had walked out of the door with the look of sympathy on his face, "We administered the treatment, but she did not make it. I'm sorry for your loss" I was shattered. The tears started pouring and my head was spinning. Jake wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from going into hysterics, or so he thinks. I couldn't move. My heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces and stomped on until it became dust. I could rarely speak but managed to croak out, "Can I see her?" The doctor nodded and gestured his hands for us to proceed through the door.

I walked inside and walked to the corpse who was my mother, nurturer, and the one who always loved me and she was gone.

 I cradled her head in my arms and let a few tears slip from my eyes.

I kissed her on the forehead and rested her head back on the pillow.

I walked passed Jake and the doctor.

I walked passed the front desk.

I put my hands in my sweater pockets and dipped my head down, so I could let a couple more tears slip.

I walked to an empty park and sat against an oak tree.

I sighed.

I thought about life and how it pays me, how it breakes me.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I let 

 the darkness take me in.

Sorry for the depressing chapter. I just had to make it dramatic, but keep reading because Bubbles says so. 


Bubbles and Unicorns,


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