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I woke up early for school. About 30 minutes before my alarm. Groggy as usual, from only around 4 hours of decent sleep. The only reason I woke up was to check the time and make sure I didn't sleep past my alarm.

"Ugh, why does my brain do this? I need this extra 30 minutes of sleep!" I whispered - out loud - to myself.

"Might as well get up and get ready, it's my first day back." I groaned.

I slinked out of bed and trudged over to my dresser, dragging my feet along the carpet on my way there. I picked opened the top left drawer and sifted through the countless shirts, finally picking out a band t-shirt. Pink Floyd? I suppose. I then leaned down to the bottom right drawer and snagged a pair of ripped jeans. I chose a fishnet top to go with, under the shirt. Who could forget the matching black bra and panties as well. I got dressed and threw on a temporary sweater since it was cold, then sat down at my vanity.

I decided to not go all out on makeup, just a bit of concealer to cover the dark circles and some mascara to highlight my eyes. I looked in the mirror and thought, "Well at least I don't look like a zombie... entirely."

I sat down on my bed and read my favorite book for around 45 minutes. I got carried away, and when I checked, it was nearly time to leave. I grabbed some pretty rings to wear that matched my outfit, picked up my car keys, and snatched an apple on my way out the door. I probably won't be eating the apple, but brought it just in case.

It was a short drive to school. Very refreshing to ride with the window open, cool air circulating the stuffy out. I wished I could have taken the back roads, spent more time enjoying the bitter nip of the fall wind.

When I arrived at the high school, everyone was bustling around. Meeting up with old friends, finding classes. Every year it's the same. I already had my schedule, so I started looking it over and walking to my regular spot to find my friends waiting.
"Heyy Y/N, long time no see huh?" Said F/N (friends name), though we were hanging out just the night before.

"Hii hun, it sure has been a while." I chuckled back.

We laughed and caught up with other friends until the first bell rang, signaling us to head to our first hour. Mine was math. Bleh.

I walked upstairs to my math class and sat down in a random seat. I zoned out, thinking about my last hour. I already was done with this class. The loud bell rang to signal class starting, which made me jump and snap back to reality. The teachers told everyone that wherever they sat, that would be the recorded seating arrangement. I didn't notice anyone that I knew, so I stayed where I was. A few others moved around to better seats, still staying with their same groups. We were then told to get to it. The math class was all online, teachers were just there to help if you were stuck. I did a bit of algebra but mainly texted my friends when the teachers weren't paying attention. The bell rang, finally, sending me to 2nd hour.

My next 4 classes passed by just the same. Listening (more like zoning out) to a lecture. Texting friends who weren't even awake yet. Doing a bit of work, but really just doodling in the margins. Sipping on the coffee that I forgot I had with. Thankfully, after what seemed like ages, I got to my last class of the day. The one I was waiting for. I walked a little faster than normal to this class, attempting to be one of the first ones in.

"Good afternoon. How are you?" He asked in a cheery tone.

I matched his vibe and replied, "I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking."

He smiled, gave a thumbs up, and mentioned, "Oh the seating chart is up on the board, Ms..." He scanned the screen for your face to learn the name that went with it. "Aha! Ms. Y/L/N (your last name)."

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