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Today I woke up like any other day. Early as hell but awake from being sleep deprived (iykyk). I whipped the covers off and shivered at the sudden change in temperature. It was so warm under my blanket.

I quickly got up and switched out of my pajamas into some jeans and a band tee. I put ankle high socks on. After I got dressed, I hopped back into bed and went under the covers. "Mmm still warm." I hugged the blanket around me. I pulled out my phone and spent about 10 minutes scrolling through that, answering texts and whatnot.

After my 10 (or so) minutes were up, I got back out into the frigid-like air to throw on some makeup. I didn't go too overboard because I didn't want anyone to notice. Concealer and mascara. Though I had about 15 minutes until I had to leave; I threw on my black Converse, grabbed my keys, and ran out the door as if I was out of time.

I drive a shitty, broken down pick-up truck. It's cool to ride down the old grade, a campground that people don't visit much that's fun to race down. Very adrenaline inducing. But since I'm on my way to school, I just roll the windows down and feel the nice, cool, early summer breeze.

I took my sweet ole' time going to school, but arrived pretty much on time. First class was online anyways so it didn't matter. I pulled out my computer and wasted time until the next class.

In that class and the next, I just wasted more time and listened to some dumb lectures. I might've gotten an assignment or two? It's not like it matters to me much right now, I'll look when I'm home.

Finally I made it to history. I've been waiting for this class. I wait for it every day. I walk in and get greeted by the ever-happy teacher. "Good morning!" He says.

"Good morning, Sir." I waved. People flood in from the corners of the school, until the tardy bell rings and class begins. He starts right off with, "Hello, Good morning it's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the loons are swimming in the lake. Today is <date>."

Wow.. I just can't help but daydream about him. He catches me longing for him, looking him in the eyes. He smiles and continues teaching. I paid very good attention because I just simply couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He looked like an angel, and acted like one too.

Sadly, it was the end of class. The only good thing about it was that it was the last class of the day. I waited for the room to clear and I walked up to him. I asked him what his plans were after school, to which he said he wasn't quite sure yet, and it depended on this... To my surprise he asked if I wanted a ride home. I thought about my shitty truck. I figured it'd be okay here for a while, and I could just get a taxi to school tomorrow. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'd like that."

Without a second thought he started gathering his things to take home, and told me, "Meet me in the back parking lot. I should be the only silver Toyota back there." I nodded and left the school. It was a very nice temperature outside.

Not even 5 minutes later, he came out and waved to me. I waved back and heard the Toyota next to me unlock. Aha! I found the right one. I hopped into the passenger seat. When he reached his vehicle, he jumped in on the drivers side of course.

He started driving in the general direction of my house, so I didn't have to give him directions yet. Then he took a very odd turn. "Hey! I don't live this way, you took a wrong turn." I worriedly mentioned.

He reassured me with a chuckle, "Oh, no, I didn't say to your house. I just said 'Home'. That's my house for tonight."

"I- okay." I agreed. I knew him enough that I figured I could trust that. Plus I am in LOVE with him. We drove for a few more minutes before arriving at a decent sized driveway. He pulled in and pressed a button to open the garage, parking his vehicle in there. The garage was connected to his house, which was a decent, small-town sized double wide.

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