Just The Beginning

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   "Bartender more shots" yelled Faith.
"We've already had three. I have work tomorrow morning guys" I said pouting.
"Mel you only turn 21 once okay? Tonight we get lit!" Mickallia practically shouted.
The handsome bartender slide three more shots our way.
"Cheers to our home girl on her birthday. Time to shake that ass!" Jess screamed raising her shot.
    Once we downed our shots. It was time to hit the dance floor. The DJ played all the right music, we went from being super pumped to whining, and throwing it back. When our energy felt close to being low we rushed to the bar for more shots. It felt so good to let loose with my girls. Almost like it had been too long.
   Three men had approached us, most of the guys had their attention on us. Faith said I always attract that aura when we go out but hey it sometimes gets us free stuff. Each of us danced with one of the men. No conversation just letting go. We danced like it was our last night as the speaker boomed our bodies moved. After a while the men got tired and left. We formed our circle grooving to the melody, for being tipsy these were some hot ass dance moves.

   The next morning I had a killer headache, the raging alarm didn't help. A groan escaped my lips, noooo I don't want to go. My boss was holding an important meeting so unfortunately calling out wasn't an option. Grabbing my iPhone I check the time. 6:30 a.m. My body arose from the beautiful soft mattress slowly making its way to the bathroom. I looked like hell. Bags under my eyes, my hair crazed, and pink lines in my eyes very close to being blood shot. Sunglasses it is. After grooming myself and showering I got dressed and prepared my essentials for work. Thankfully my mother always has my clothes out. We work at the same firm but never actually get to see each other. She's probably already heading to the office. Another groan escaped my lips. My phone alarm rang, it was now 7:09. I doubled checked my pursed, rechecked my outfit making sure it looked perfect along with my hair. That had been in a semi-perfect high bun. Everything appeared to be in place, I then grabbed the sunglasses and left.
  Making my usual stop for coffee and two donuts didn't take long. I also had to run to the pharmacy for pain medication. From there, I'd ordered a driver to pick me up. Thank god there was a near by ride. Thirty minutes to make it to the office. As soon as the ride reached, I hurried in and took two pills to help ease the headache. Also shot a text to the girls group chat saying how much I hate them and wanted to strangle them. Those evils bitches they know my boss hates me. Now this adds to his fuel. Maybe he just needs to get laid I thought just as we pulled up to the office.
  "Thank you so much. Have a great day!"
"Your welcome same to you as well."

   The building was rather tall like most in New York, along with being absolutely breathtaking. Especially with it being one of the glass building types. As I entered I went straight to the elevator greeting people along the way. My division was one the top floor. The elevator ride was quite quick, I'd kept checking the clock. There was five minutes before needing to clock in. Once reaching my destination I greeted Rose our receptionist checking in on the morning gossip. She told me today's meeting is to be held at 10 on the dot. Then about how one of our coworkers was fired earlier this morning. Also the boss was his usual arrogant rude uptight asshole self. Just great I thought to myself.  She had also wished me happy birthday and saying it must have been a hell of a night. After thanking Rose I headed straight to my office before the clock would mark me late.
  I made it just in time. Plopping down in my comfortable chair, the files on my desk beckoned me. By the time it was almost 10 half of the files had been completed. People were already making their way to the conference room. I joined the crowd with my clipboard in hand. As always there's was a seat right in the middle assignment to moi. Our boss hadn't entered the room yet. Preoccupying my time with instagram plus my coffee until the presence was felt. It was always like this, chills ran down my body. Mr. Williams greeted us good morning to capture our attention. We knew already not to respond he made it clear the first day. By the words good morning pen was suppose in hand with our notepad ready. Placing my phone in my blazer pocket I moved my coffee aside to prevent it spilling.
As he spoke I wrote down everything that was deemed to be important.
Towards the middle he asked for any ideas on marketing strategies for our clients and a proposition for gaining more. From then went on about upcoming projects and different tactics he wants us to began using. Also the meetings that will soon be arising.
    Mr. Williams closed the meeting with assigning a task as always. Then dismissed us, everyone rushed out. Just as I was about to the devil called my name. I mustered up a smile and respond to my boss.
"Yes Mr. Willams."
He took a few steps towards me.
"It's very unbecoming for a woman to wear sunglasses indoors. This is your first and only warning don't do it again" his tone was stern and held a bit of venom.
"Understood sir. I'm sorry it won't happen again" I said looking him while he held his sinister grin. With that he left, see you tonight Ms. Carrington.

Tonight I questioned to myself. OH MY GOD! I total forgot my mother was hosting a small formal party. KILL ME NOW!

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