Birthday Party

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"Melyssa hurry up" my mother yelled from downstairs.
I looked at myself in the mirror making sure everything was perfect. My red hair had been curled with a pin in the right side by my earlobe top. Light makeup to complete the look. My mother bought me long gold silk dress definitely custom. It had been crisscross in the open back. A cute diamond design in the front beneath my beast. The dress definitely bought out my curves. My mother did an outstanding job usually she'd never let me wear something so revealing. I grabbed my clutch and headed downstairs where she was awaiting. The woman snatched my breath, her dress wasn't as revealing but definitely hugged her body just right.
"You look amazing mother, truly drop dead gorgeous!"
"As do you babygirl. Now let's go the car is waiting."
A limo was parked out front, the driver climbed out and opened the door for us. During the car ride I tried asking mom about the party but she wouldn't give up any details. Thirty minutes later we pulled up to a pretty fancy building with nice decor surrounding it. The driver opened the door for us, we thanked him then headed inside. As we reached inside a woman took our coats my mom lead me to a big room that appeared dark at first.
"Happy birthday!" Arose from the room that now came to light. I was so surprised and overjoyed. Not just by all the people but the decor. It was so beautiful my mother knew my taste to the very detail. She had also invited my girls Faith, Mickallia and Jess. They were dressed to the occasion looking as fine as ever. Before joining my girls I thanked everyone especially my mother. Of course the first place we headed was the bar.
"This place is lit and the DJ hella fine" Jess said as the bartender slide us drinks.
"Yea mom did an outstanding job, I thought this would be boring elegant. Definite opposite" Mickallia said looking around mesmerized.
"Mamas LOOK AT YOU! Your fine ass" Faith said checking me out. We all began laughing until the devil approached us. The girls became mute.
My smile slightly faded. "Happy birthday Ms. Carrington."
"Thank you Mr. Williams" I said lowly shifting uncomfortably, he's eyes roamed my body.
He stepped closer to me merely centimeters from my lips. "Your dress is quite revealing don't you think almost as though you were dressed for a club. Not the way a young lady should present herself." I gasped at his words. The tone he used was harsh as well. With that the arrogant Asshole left.
"Oh my god! Who the hell was that?" Faith said with wide eyes.
"My boss" I said sourly.
"His so fucking sexy" said Jess hinting for more details.
"He's a dick, the man hardly acknowledges me and when he does its a complaint" I say drilling my eyes in disgust.
"Interesting the first time a guy hasn't fallen to your knees" Mickallia said laughing her ass off.
"Whatever let's just go dance" I said annoyed by the whole thing. She was right, it did bother me that my boss wasn't attract to me. Since I turned 13 attention had always been attracted to me. Always good mostly guys but sometimes females as well. Mother said it was a gift but I wasn't so sure. However, this is the first men to deny me. For some reason it triggered me but why he was a dick anyways who wants any parts of that.
We danced until hunger took over. There had been a buffet laid out on a long table with a variety of foods. I grabbed a plate stacking it with my favorites before joining my girls at a table. Before digging in I scanned the room for my mother just to check in.
To my surprise she'd been preoccupied with a man. Not too much old than her probably just by a year or two. They were having a good conversation by the way my mother was smiling and giggling. Finally she decides to give love a chance again. My father left when I was born mother told me with no reason as to why.
Faith grabbed my attention by saying the food was getting cold. I dug in wiping the plate clean. However, my stomach continued to roar. So dessert was my choice but even that didn't satisfy my hungry. A headache began to ring getting worse by the second. I dismissed myself from the table saying that I needed air. As the night warm air kissed my kiss it felt so good. Yet the ringing grew louder by now my hands gripped my head. Please stop. Please. Just then foot steps approached, I was loosing control of myself something was fighting me.
"Mam are you okay?" he said.
"Go away" I growled.
The man only stepped closer. "I can't leave a woman such as yourself out here all alone." The man was too close he rubbed my back and began lifting my head to face him.
"Get off me!" I snapped.
But he persisted and tightened his hold on me. My head rose meeting his dark brown ones. At first desired filled his eyes it was now replaced by fear. I pushed him against the wall, my eyes stuck in a trance. Through his eyes mine glowed a bright yet darkish green. He squirmed under my touched in response I laughed sinisterly.
You wanted me. Now I want you. Need you, crave you. Don't fight it baby.
I placed a kiss on his lips. Giving him everything he wanted, from how badly he wanted to fuck me to my lips surrounding his erection. My hunger filling with each groan he made. If only he knew it was all an illusion. I'd felt better than ever once my energy was fully restored. I watched as the man stood there completely paralyzed. Those dark eyes now pleaded for help, his body weak. Before I knew it darkness surrounded me.

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