Mother How Could You?

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The entire ride all I could do is cry. My mother kept the biggest secret from me. The worst part was she needed to tell me it wasn't true. But deep down I already knew the truth, everything he told me. I could feel it the power, the thing stirring inside me to get out. When the car reached my house, I had been shaking. Thanking the driver I ran into the house screaming my mothers name. She rushed downstairs asking if everything was all right. When she saw my appearance she froze. My eyes are bright red, tears stained my cheeks, my fist held tightly at my sides.
"Is it true?"
She didn't respond fear filled her face. My heart broke the woman I once called my mother stood before me with no words. How could she keep this for me?
"Speak now mother or I will walk out the door and you will never see me again."
Her eyes were pleading with me. Just as I was about to turn around and walk out the door she spoke.
"Baby please you have to understand, it wasn't easy for me to tell you."
"You could have warned me" I yelled.
"I protected you, and the Lord was always with you no matter where you went. All those Sundays that we went to church I ask God to keep an eye on you and guide you in the right direction."
"I have demon blood inside me.Where is your God? Why would he create me like this?"
Tears pooled in my eyes but I forced them back down.
My mother was speechless.
"How long have you known?"
Silence once again.
I turned my back to leave her.
Tears fell as she spoke "I knew ever since I held you in my arms at the hospital. Your father, once I told him he left saying this was too much like movie shit for him to deal with. This type of shit just doesn't happen to our people. But you were a gift baby girl."
"I am evil!" I screamed at her.
"You are not evil baby trust me."
"Trust you" I laughed. How can I when you kept the biggest secret from me?"
I could tell she was hurt but I didn't care, it didn't compare to the feeling inside me. My own father couldn't love me.
"Please darling sit and let me explain"  she pleaded. I sat down on the couch as she took a seat across from me.
"Explain" I said angrily. My eyes like darts shooting straight into hers. She looked down at her hands practically trembling, tears spilling from her eyes.
"It all started with your great grandmother. She carried the gene and she had not known of what she was only the damage she caused. When she realized how much bad she did. Your great grand mother Cher locked herself away in her house. Only leaving for the essential things. However one day at the market a hunter approached her. At first she was scared but the man offered her guidance and said he would help her. He had to have been watching her for quite a while. Cher gathered ingredients working on a way to condemn her powers, to lock the demon part of her away. The man had some ingredients that would help her finish the project. Your great grandmother had created an amulet
to lessen her power. You have the blood of my mother's mother. It's extremely rare and typically doesn't happen. I knew the chances when I got pregnant my mother warned me."
I was silent absorbing everything, that's when I realized the necklace around my neck. She would always tell me to keep it on for protection. Hiding the actual truth. My mother pleaded for me to speak but there was no words instead I ran upstairs. Grabbing only the essentials and a small suitcase. Of course she rushed behind me praying and begging me to work this out with her. No words left my lips it was all too much at one time.
Yet only one thought, if she warned me I could have saved that man from
There was nothing left to say. As she followed me to the front door I grabbed her hand dropping the warm chain. Before turning away and walking out the door.

I went to the last place I'd ever turn to...

Where do you guys think she went? What's your thoughts on Melyssa's mom? Btw her mom's name is Avaline Carrington. Any thoughts on their fight ?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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