A Little Bit Of Everthing

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This chapter is gonna be a bit shorter then the rest cuz I wanted to clear something up rq. In the fanfic everything that happened in the show, happens in this besides Buck dating Ali and Abby. He is still a sex addict. It is a slow burn but I'll put moments of sexual tension or awkward 'I didn't mean to say that' parts yk. A little about me, I'm Canadian, I've been watching 911 for since about halfway through season 2. But I did buy season 1 and season 2 off Apple TV so I know what happens, I won't be sharing my name just so when I'm older and famous and I mention something about writing fanfic when I was a teenager, people can't find it. I'm pretty young I'm 14 turning 15 at the end of one of the fall months, my favourite singer is Harry Styles, my favourite actors are Oliver Stark(obviously), Ronen Rubinstein and Timothée Chalamet. My favourite movie is probably the one direction movie and.... I'm so excited for you to read this story, thank you to EVERYONE who's reading this, I know the description of it on the cover is pretty bad I just didn't know what to put. I'm gonna try my best to make this really good, our little Buck fandom is quite small but we deserve SO much more, most of the fanfics for buck aren't the best.. If you like this you can comment on my profile or on the story with suggestions for this story and future ones. As I'm writing this I plan on banking up chapters and just releasing one or two a week. Because I am a high school student I will need extra time sometimes for homework and stuff, I hope you understand. I have a Buck fan account on ig @ohfortheloveofbuck (I think I'm gonna change the name tho but if I do I'll say it in the chapter or whatever) Feel free to go give it a follow and if you wanna become mutuals dm me, I really hope you all love it. Peace and love xo🤎🤎

I woke up at 5:00 as I did everyday, and got ready. I went to the kitchen and met Bobby and Athena for coffee outside on the back table. "So how late were you out till?" Athena must not have told him she saw me come home. "Uhhh about 11:00 maybe 11:30?" I replied with as much truth as I had, I didn't really notice the time. "Who was still there at 11:00? Pretty late for Chimney, and Hen and Eddie have kids." "Buck", I looked up "What..?" I said trying to analyze the look on his face. "Nothing, bucks a good firefighter." He said uncomfortably and then changed the subject.

I pulled up to the fire house at 5:45 ready to start my shift at 6:00, I walked in and went up to see Bobby who was in his office. "So.. what's the training exercise?" "Cant tell you. You'll find out when the rest get here" he retorted looking up and smiling at me. I walked out of the room wondering what he had planned for us, if he didn't tell me it was either something fun or something that was gonna kick our asses.

"So now that everyone's here I need you to get in partners. Then I'll tell you what we're doing"
I looked around wondering who to go with, Hen was with chimney and it was just me, Eddie and Buck, I was ready to be the one left by myself when "Eddie you're gonna do this one by yourself. I wanna see how much you know from war" From what I could tell Buck and Eddie were pretty much best friends, I thought their relationship was cute. "Looks like we're a team again" I said approaching Buck. "Ya.. the two of us need to stick together... if we don't it'll be the old people things everyday.." we laughed both hoping that would never happen.

"Okay. I'm gonna give you all a series of cards with different medical symptoms and stories on them, you'll read the card, determine what's wrong, and preform, what treatment do you think would be best on the dummie.... We clear?", you could hear a series of 'yes sir' and we began.

He handed out the cards and we read the first one. "Patient is facing the ground, arms almost touching underneath the stomach...", Buck read the card while I listened. "...foaming of the mou-", I interrupted "He's having an overdose. We need NarCan, possibly the defibrillator, and a bowl in case he throws up after."

I searched for the supplies and lined them up to be checked after we said we got it already. "How did you get that so quickly? I mean.. I don't even think Hen would get it that fast." "I've had a little bit of experience with people overdosing..", what I said left a bit of a questioning look on his face, "my parents were addicts.. are addicts....", Buck seemed unsure what to say, he just kind of nodded and moved on.

After we finished two more rounds Bobby announced that the winner was Eddie. I guess an army veteran is better equipped to not knowing whats wrong with patients than firefighters are.

Throughout the day the bell went, today we had a boy stuck in a tree, car crash, and cuts after a fight at a high school. By that time it was lunch and I was surprised by how fast the day was going by. It was Hens turn to cook and she made chicken tacos. We barely had time to get any food in our mouths before the bell went again and we suited up. We filed into the truck and started driving, sirens on. "So what do we have Cap", Eddie asked loudly. "I'm not sure someone who's been restrained and can't get out", we all looked around wondering what we were about to walk into.

We arrived at the apartment building and went up the stairs quickly. We got to the apartment number 348 and knocked on the door, we heard a muffled "ya come in", we busted the door and walked through, we didn't see anyone so we checked different parts of the large apartment. I walked past what I thought was the bedroom and knocked before walking in. "Found them" I said with a not surprised yet slightly disappointed tone. "Found wha- ohhhh", Buck said. The rest had walked in to see two people that looked to be 22-26 handcuffed to a bed frame wearing almost nothing. "So. Bolt cutters right away or do we have a key?", I said with a laughable voice, I tried to hold in my laughter because you could tell the couple was embarrassed. "Uhhh I'd say bolt cutters. They're right here and we don't know if the cuffs are cutting of any circulation.",  Eddie was always thinking one step ahead, I guess that's just part of working as a soldier but it was useful for firefighting too.

"Handcuffs? And people enjoy that?" Buck said quietly to me while walking out of the apartment, "ya I like handcuffs.." then added "bit of choking too" i said joking but I hadn't realized how loud I said it until I looked up to see them all starring at me. Including Bobby. "Hehe sorry" I said awkwardly. Me and Buck kept laughing the whole way out, right before we got into the truck he leaned down to whisper something to me, "I'd choke you" I could feel his warm breath on my neck, it sent chills down my spine and when I turned around he had already got into the truck and sat down. Talking to Eddie like nothing happened.

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