Just Friends

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Guys.. I may or may not mention something about him listening to Taylor Swift in this chapter and I just wanted to say that I found it quite funny. Also I say that 1989 is her best album thats just my opinion dont come at me😩🤚🏻 but I am a definite Swiftie so I thought this would be funny.....anyway thanks. Also the part about the high school shit is based off of shit that happens at my high school so it might seem off or stereotypical but it's a personal experience😁

The drive was long due to the traffic but the night sky was bright and we talked the whole way to his place. "So, you're telling me you would rather never be able to walk then never be able to talk." He said outraged. "Yes. And if you say otherwise you're lying." I went on a long speel about how talking was much better than walking that just left us laughing.

We got to his apartment and walked in, it wasn't too badly beat up but there was definitely stuff where it shouldn't be. "So.... this is where Buck lives. I'm in his den. His lair. What am I gonna find out about him I wonder... is a kidnapper.... is he a madman.... or is he just a normal guy...? I guess I'll find out." I said jokingly.

He went to the kitchen to see what he could make and I looked around his living room trying not to step on anything that had fallen. My eyes fell upon a CD I recognized. "Or. Is Evan Buckley a secret Swiftie...?" I turned around smiling holding the CD of 1989, he looked embarrassed and did the little smile while looking down and slightly laughing, I had noticed him do before. "Uhh that must've been from an ex.." he said shyly, "Hey I don't care. I like it. It makes you cuter, do you have a CD player that uses batteries?" I questioned. "Ya.. I have one I'm not sure if it uses batteries though" he walked into his bedroom to look for it and I followed. "Hmmm didn't pin you for the clean-bedroom type." He laughed and we kept looking, we found it after around 2 minutes and walked back out to the living room. There was no cord so we kind of assumed that it was battery powered, which it was. We put it on and went into the kitchen to cook.

"Why am I not surprised" I said looking at the left overs he had stolen from work. "Because you know I like Bobby's cooking?" He suggested and I decided to agree. We sat on the ground eating left over macaroni and cheese listening to the best Taylor Swift album.

While we ate I could feel his eyes on me. The way you look at someone when you're hoping they're thinking the same thing as you, the kind of eyes you get when you want something. "What?" I said "nothing" I could tell it wasn't nothing though. I got up and put my dish in the sink, then I turned and opened his fridge. He didn't have that much food in it but I saw cherries so I decided to take them. "So.." I said while walking back to him, "do you have any secret talents" I asked, he thought for a second "No.. I'm a killer football player though. Played in high school." "Ohhhh Mr. All-American? Football captain? Let me guess, Dad loved that you played. Mom was scared. And sister didn't go to the games.. but you all lived in a nice suburban neighbourhood with a white picket fence" He laughed and replied with "ya... something like that." I could see the mood change and jumped in "Wanna see something?" "Sure" I put a cherry stem in my mouth and tied it then pulled it out. "You try" "I don't think I'll be able to but I'll try" he put the Cherry stem in his mouth and moved his jaw around a couple of times trying to move it. This gave me an excuse to look at his lips, something I found hard to hide. He pulled it out in a knot, "I don't really understand.. whats the significance of it though?" I looked him up and down and whispered "it means you're good..." in his ear, I had to go on the tips of my toes just to reach part way there. Without missing a beat he tilted his head slightly down and whispered "hmm you'll have to see for yourself then.." back at me. "Maybe we should clean first..." we knew we were both joking. And we knew we wouldn't do anything about it, even if we both wanted it.

"We work tomorrow right?" I asked him instead of just checking my phone, "ya.. but don't try to hard because you're gonna make me look bad" "well from what I've heard you've already made yourself look bad"

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