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Hi guys sorry it's been a long time but I'm back thank you for all the reads it means a lot and please, have fun.

I was unsure why I was driving to his apartment but all I knew was when I got in the car I knew where I was going. At every stop light I stopped to rethink what I was doing but I could never come up with a reason why I shouldn't go. At least to just say hi.

I pulled into his apartment complex and looked myself in the eyes through the rear view mirror "what do you expect is gonna happen" I mutter understand my breath to myself. I sat in my car for about 5 minutes just trying to work up the courage to open my car door and walk up the single flight of stairs. I finally got out of the car and slammed the door a little too hard. I walked up the stairs and down the hall a little ways to his apartment and took a deep breath before knocking.

"Hey.." I said slightly startled, "hey... everything alright?" He said poking his head out of the door frame to see if anyone else was there with me. "Ya. I just.. was in the neighbourhood and thought I'd say hi... are you busy? If you're busy I'll come by another time." I said trying to find a way out after realizing I had no idea what I was gonna say. "No I'm free..." we were both at a loss for words when he cut in, "Me and Eddie were just about to go out if you wanna come.", I was ready to say yes right away but I wanted it to seem like I had to think about it.

After about 10 minutes of waiting for him to get ready and watching tv, we walked out of his apartment and down the stairs. "Do you wanna just take my car?" He asked. "Ya sure, yours or mine?" "Well I asked so I can't really ask you to drive too.." we walked over and got into his Jeep. It was about a 12 minute drive to the bar we went to the first I was there, and when we walked in Eddie was already there. He looked over to the door when we walked in and was slightly confused why I was there. We walked over to the table he was at and Buck explained. "Oh.. that makes more sense then what I was thinking" he exhaled and shook his head a little.

I think Eddie could sense the tension as much as I could, I wasn't sure if Buck was ignoring it or if he was oblivious. "Hey did you ever end up buying that place you were looking at?" Eddie said swallowing the drink left in his mouth. "Haven't bought it yet but I put in an offer" I said with a smile. It was gonna be a relief not living with Bobby anymore. "Well that's good, I hope you get it", "ya.. and if you need any help moving me and Eddie can help." Buck said looking over at Eddie. "I never said that", Eddie retorted with a laugh before taking another sip of his drink. "Well if all else fails I'll help... that way I'll know the way to your place" he said the last part quietly, I didn't know weather or not I was supposed to hear it but I was happy I did.

The evening carried on with more drinks and the sound of people talking, beer glasses clinking, music and laughter. We had good conversation, mostly talking about work but we finally got onto the topic of family after Eddie mentioned something about Texas. "They want me to move back to Texas but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon if at all, I think they just want to be close to Chris they think I need help but I've told them that I've got it covered. What about you? Are your parents smothering you with texts everyday?" Eddie finished his statement with a question about my family. I didn't like to talk too much about it because I didn't want it to seem like I needed pity or anything. "My parents aren't really that type of person, you know? 'Free-Range' parenting in the form of 'just don't make us pay for medical bills'" I laughed. "What about you Buck, hear a lot from your parents?", "no not really, me and Maddie don't talk to them much." We talked more about our families but i mostly left it to Eddie and Buck, and even then Buck didn't say much either.

At around 10:15 pm Eddie interrupted with "I should probably get home.. baby sitter is only available until 11:00 and I don't want to hold them back." We understood and he paid his bill then went on his way to go home, we stayed and talked for a while. Soon it was closing and we paid and got into Bucks Jeep. By that time half the alcohol had worn off plus we didn't drink as much as we thought we would. We went for a drive up around Sunset Boulevard because the only other time I had seen it we were on our way to go help an officer who had an allergic reaction.

We got back to his apartment he invited me up to have another drink. We walked up the stairs laughing at something Buck had told me about Chimney. Our slightly inebriated minds found it a lot funnier than we would've if we had been completely sober, but we didn't mind we just liked the sound of each other's laughter.

We walked into his darkened apartment and I turned on the light while he opened the fridge and got out two beers. We sat on the couch and talked about movies while Evermore played quietly in the background. "You know you're probably one of the only people I've ever been able to talk to like this.." I said after a short break in conversation. "What do you mean?" He asked back, "Well I don't know... it's just easy you know?" "Ya.. I know what you mean."

After one beer he got out a box for Snakes and Ladders that looked about 25 years old, and asked if I wanted to play. I said I would and we started playing. Quickly after we started playing I was winning and teasing him about loosing at Snakes and Ladders. "Look, all I'm saying is you have to be pretty unskilled to be loosing a game for children.." I said with the corner of my mouth turned up to form a smirk. He laughed and reached for the dice to roll. I'm not quite sure what happened next but our faces were inches apart and I thought that it might be the perfect chance to make my move.

I leaned in and he did the same, our mouths crashed into each other's. I don't think we both realized how much we wanted this... at least I didn't.

Our lips stayed together moving in sync and our hands roaming each other's bodies. Soon he was hovering over me and our kiss became more desperate and passionate, we both knew where we were headed but we didn't rush it.

He stopped..

"It's late.. and we work together..." He seemed to be dodging the real answer.

"...and you're Bobby's niece." I looked up at him the same way I did on the day of the earthquake.

"I don't care about Bobby, I want this" I moved my head back up and our lips connected again. "Good." It didn't last much longer, maybe 5 minutes max, only until we moved away from each other to catch our breath. After we pulled away and started playing the game again Buck offered you another beer.

"I should probably get going soon... Bobby's probably going to wonder where I am so late." You didn't know why you were so eager to leave, somewhere deep inside you you know it was only so you could be alone and think about the small yet intense moment the two of you just shared.

"Ya of course, do you want me to call you a cab?" He replied in his usual tone. "That'd be great. Thanks."

There was something awkward in the air, maybe it was because you just kissed one of your only friends here on his couch, or because you thought he took offence to you not wanting to stay longer(maybe he could tell you were slightly on edge, you wanted to go back to Bobby's and wash off the night with the cheap exfoliator you bought for that very purpose), or maybe it was because the two of you both had to go to work tomorrow and act like nothing happened between you two.
________________________________________________________________ hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for your patience and waiting for me to update. I'll try to be more on time but if I can't update it I'll post about why and when I'll will on my Instagram. Thank you for 1.64 reads and 21 votes, I know that's not a lot compared to some books on here but it's still really cool:)bye guys see you next week hopefully❤️❤️❤️also I had a pretty hard time figuring out how to end this chapter so it might face some editing in the near future, but it won't be too much, I'll try to remember to put a warning at the beginning of the next chapter if I do change anything so you guys can come back to this one a see what happened. Anyway thank you❤️

Sirens•Evan Buckley Where stories live. Discover now