2.1 New year!

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A new year begins at Hogwarts, the first year's from last year's go into the carriages while the new ones went to the boats. However, there is a certain boy which no one recognises. As such they are wary to let him sit with them in their carriages "Sigh, what to do?
.. Should I walk? No better not. That's a bad idea. Especially this late at night past the forbidden forest... even if I'm an excellent duelist and don't have to take my luggage along thanks to the house elves its better if I don't..."

The boy remains at the gate were the last carriage was just departing and looked at the castle enveloped in moonlight "Didn't think I would come back here without my army or as a student left at the Gate.. How ridiculous."

'Ridiculous indeed' spoke an amused voice from above. The boy looked up very quickly and drew his wand from his holster. He saw an owl perched there 'and rude too.'

"... Harrison I presume?" asked the boy contemplative. He slightly lowered his wand bit remained focused on the owl.

'Well at least he's smart. Hello there former DADA Prof and Tom. Does our exchange student have no way to the castle?' Harrison flew down to a lower branch so as to not make the 'kids' neck to stiff unnecessarily. He got an unamused look in reply "What do you think? And are you sure, it's wise to let a dark lord such as myself into the prestigious castle were the light dwells?".

Harrison narrowed how eyes slightly. 'We both know that's bullshit. That guy is definitely not good, it doesn't matter if he's a light core or not! I. Want. Him. Out! End of story. Plus, you were a former student here and the only reason you committed those crimes were because you were Imperio'd no? So yes, I think it's a wise decision. But besides that, have you decided on a cover name for yourself? You also haven't disillusioned yourself yet. -Other than that, I came to get you. Can't have you be late.' Wings flapped as a show of urgency.

"Fine, fine. But, do stop calling me Tom, we're not that close." Tom then cast the charm and made him look different so as to not arouse suspicions "As for a name.."

{He made his Eyes brown, Nagini is black+green eyes and smaller

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{He made his Eyes brown, Nagini is black+green eyes and smaller.}

"How about Thomas? Thomas Grave from America."
"If that's what you want.. Also, you better hide Nagini and think of another name for her too. *changes form* get on." Harry said changing into a Hippogriff. Tom did so without the bow of respect to it as Harry's not a real Hippogriff. He made Nagini smaller and with different features. He decided on Emerald for her. Harry didn't find it original but didn't really care.

Harry took a running start before flapping his wings and taking to the air.

-elsewhere, a carriage -

Pansy Parkinson was reading a book when she took a glance outside. She looked longer than she wanted to at what she saw to the notice of her housemates.
"Pansy, are you okay? You've been staring off intimate space for a while now." asked her Blaize Sabini to which she replied "Look outside and you'll know why." Blaize, Draco and Daphne did as told and blinked at what they saw. There, passing by in front of the moon, was the silhouette of a Hippogriff with a person on them seemingly flying to Hogwarts.

"Okay... Who wants to bet that's Harrison?" asked the Malfoy heir.
Daphne was the first to nod her head followed by the rest.
"But who's on top of him?" asked
Blaize his friends wondering.
Pansy, the Slytherin girl who always knows the rumors said "Maybe that exchange student that was mentioned last year? The one that's supposed to come into the fourth year's? If so what house do you think he will be sorted into?"
"I'd rather see the reactions the kids in the boats are having. Would be more funny at the moment." responded Daphne.

Indeed, the new first year's were having the fright of a lifetime the moment they looked upwards but both Hagrid and McGonagall who was watching through the windows could imagine who that might be. They left it up to Harrison to bring him to the Great Hall on time for the sorting. Else some students might complain about him not being there. Harry who had seen McGonagall nodded to her 'Will do'. With that Harry flew into the court yard where, in a nearby corridor, some students were heading to the Great Hall.

After Tom went down from him Harrison turned into his dog-sized fox form. Thomas/Tom {if I u have a better suggestion for his name pls comment} stepped up beside the Fox and both went into bthe corridor leading into the castle. The group that was previously there had already gone ahead not wanting to know w what's going on yet. Harrison and Tom waited outside to McGonagall came with the first years. "Hello Harrison, I'll trust you'll keep a watch on them while I go ahead?" asked the vice-Headmistress.

Harry's POV

'Will do, Minerva. Also, I will lead Mr. Grave in after your done with the first years.' I responded with a nod to which she said "Good" and went inside. Both me and Tom shared a look as we watched the newcomers. They will be in for one heck of a ride here at Hogwarts.. Can't wait for what happens next. But boy were they staring, Id3 almost find it adorable. But~ as I do with all first timers! 'Pls mind your manners, your about to meet your future household after all.' as expected they got shocked when they heard me. Tom seemed to be suppressing his laughter on the other hand judging by his shaking shoulders.

'It's Time. Go inside' just as I said that the doors opened. I had to give a kid a nudge though as he was frozen to the spot. 'Stage fright. Poor kid will have a hard time with flying and dueling if it should ever be implemented again... But then again, the rule for no flying for first years has already been broken.' I thought to myself. I talked a bit more with Tom before we had to go inside. The last kid was just taking his seat and judging by the looks Minerva already called for his name.

'Have fun but don't endanger the staff to much. AND, I don't believe I need to mention terrifying the students, do I? Thomas?' I told him via my usual method getting a subtle nod as a reply. Alastor seemed to be flipping his lids however and almost screamed Slytherin. Thank goodness he didn't say the heir part. Tom must've told him not to.
Dumbledore doesn't seem suspicious yet.. Maybe a bit disappointed that the 'American exchange student' didn't get sorted into Griffindor but he's not suspecting anything yet. I smiled and went to eat some meat and dessert. 'Pie~~'

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