2.3 The other Redhead

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Harry's POV

It was currently break time and I for one was lying on the grass under the shade of a nice tree (the one Draco was once on before he got turned into a Ferret). The wind was blowing over my fur and the grass hugged my paws and tail. The sounds of students filled my ears and everything was nice. Or well, it was better than if a fight broke out. I licked my short snout from the smells and the cold climate we had today. I was in my cat form and in the middle of nodding off to a field of sweets and cotton clouds when a hand on my sides interrupted me. I snapped my eyes open seeing the hair first before I even noticed the robe colours. 'Okay. Only four people have that kind of red hair and seeing that I don't recognize her yet means that she's probably one of the new first years... Ah~ right, Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley. Fred and George's only sister.'

I shifted making her take her hand back so I could sit properly on my butt. I wanted to politely ask why she put her hand on my sides or if something was wrong till she coo'ed at me and just picked me up under my front paws. I had a clear WTF! written on my face so why's she doing it!? I looked at her wondering if she knew what she was doing. "You'll be my new cat!" she spoke happily looking down at me. From my perspective however, she looked more like she was proud over something that she should not be. I tried reading her mind with no difficulty doing so.
'That pet mother bought me is absolutely ugly! I can't let my housemates see me with it!'

Talk about being a brat over the tiniest things. While some don't even have enough money to buy one to give their kids some comfort from being away from their homes she just wants to look good and plans to abandon hers?
She's probably treated as the apple of their family more than its healthy for her age. 'I sympathise why Fred and George now...' I thought with closed eyes and nodding to myself.

I completely forgot that she was still carrying me around. Huh, even though its so uncomfortable I was able to switch the topic. Anyway she had just gone through the portrait of the old lady and met up with whom I suppose are her friends. I looked around seeing a few older years -or rather everyone present above the second year- look at me in confusion. From ne to my captive to me and so forth till they spoke with their own friends but were still looking at me. "I'm gonna get the twins.." said a student standing near the stairway and going to the boy's dorms. "That would probably be for the best... I don't think Harrison can stand the Position he's in for much longer" agreed his friend quirking his mouth partially downwards. 'Damn right I won't!' I told them.

"Is this your pet?", "It's so cute~!", "How old is it?" asked the surrounding girls as they probed their fingers on me. 'Ugh...!'

Third POV

'Oh dear...' The other students sweatdropped at the sight. Meanwhile the third year that went to search for the weasley twins arrived at their empty dormroom. 'Great where else could they be?' thought the student going back to the common room affirming their not there before hastly exiting to ask around for them. On the hallway leading to the Great Hall he bumped into a Ravenclaw who was chatting either their hufflepuff friend. "Uff!" came the reaction of the raven girl as her friend helped her up. "S-sorry! Um. Have you seen the twins? We kinda need them back in the common room before someone gets clawed at..". Being the smart house it was, the raven immediately deciphered the situation. "I'd look near the library, someone had jinxed the textbooks there to resort themselves and the librarian is going crazy because of it." She spoke leaving with her friend. Rushing to the Library which was on another floor the boy saw the disaster.

"Weasleys!" someone with an old voice shouted making the boy look over. The two redheads were running away from an man in his middle ages when they got a small beads each out and threw it at the nearby shelves. Immediately books came shooting out of them making their escape unhindered. "Fred! George!" he yelled naking his houses troublemakers look at their kohai housemate. They came over waving a hand in greeting "Hey what's up! Hope your not trying to stop us are you?" they asked to which he shook his head. "Ähm- no! Its just, your sister is showing Harrison around in the common room and he's not living it one bit." hurriedly explained the petite looking boy who reminded of hufflepuffs Longbottom. The twins glanced at each other. "Five bucks say she will already be scratched when we arrive" said the first. The other nodded in response "five bucks say Harrison is as patient as a turtle and she isn't scratched". 'Are they for real!?' questioned the boy before being grabbed by the wrists and dragged after the duo of escapees.

"Godricks socks" they chimed to the portrait. "Ugh, those stunk I tell you" she commented before giving entrence. Indeed, one could literally see a Bar over Harrisons head showing his patience fizzling out by the Minute. "Ginny!" Fred (or George?) called to their little sister. As she turned around holding the cat by its armpits in a hug the message of 'save me!' was ringing out in their heads as clear as day in a grumpy voice. "Oh hi" she greeted. "Um...what are you doing with Harrison?" the other Red head which stood to his twins left asked. She blinked before replying as she looked down on the cat "Oh, well. I'm just showing my pet to my new friends".

'3...' The students behandelt to count down.

"But, Ginny, that's not‐" The twin on the right began but Ginny interrupted with a slight glare and abrupt noises as if she was about to start speaking again. It was very clear to the two brothers what their little sister was trying to pull. 'We should prepare to write a Letter to mother if Ginny will write to her later' mentally informed one twin to the other 'Yes, don't want a howler during the Weekend when we're not at fault right?'. Both nodded.

'2...' Ginnys friends started to notice how other kids inched away.

"Isn't it cute? I'm thinking of adding a bow to its collar later" the Weaslette coo'ed. '...It? Why's she calling her own pet that she had for four years, it?' The surrounding girls became confused. '...A. Bow!?!? Oh hell no!' thought Harry his patience going minus 50% which was already bad enough for most.

'...1' counted the students bringing their hands up to shield their ears. A very clear gesture for the first years. Behind two backs, 5 bucks changed owners. Harry looked at Ginny with glowing green eyes making Ginny so surprised that she dropped the black feline. Harry landed on the ground before moving towards Ginny.

'Now listen here little first year, I am not your pet and neither will I stand for you lying. -Neither am I up for any bow ties! I'm Harrison, a member of the staff at Hogwarts and you'd do well to accept the poor cat that is hiding in your room from neglect!' Both Fred and George looked at their sister disappointed as usual while the girls from earlier got angry from hearing they've been lied to. They weren't going to be friends with someone like her!

In the end it was Ginny, who recieved a howler from the upset Weasley Matriarch in the great Hall the next day where everyone got to hear the scolding of one Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley. A black cat huffed in agreement with the Matriarch on the Slytherin table to the bemused reaction of Tom and the snakes. Him? Shown around as someone's pet? A member of staff as an 11 year olds pet? Now THAT'S something they'd need to tell their parents!

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