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Hi! I am Min Aera, one of the members of the Lovely Pack. Me and my boyfriend, Park Jimin, are currently sitting at an ice cream parlor. "I can't believe we are almost ready to meet our true mates, I hope mine is you, darling." He said. "Me too, Jiminie. If it is someone I don't know, we would have to end and I would have to get to know another guy." I said. "Yeah, but we can't choose our mates. If I do get a new girl, I hope she is at least as kind as you." Jimin said, looking sad at the thought of us potentially ending, my birthday is in a few weeks, Jimin's is in a month, but mine is right before the mating ritual. We don't get to find our mate until we turn a certain age. Jimin is older than me and has been to the ritual before, but he didn't find his mate that time, giving him hope that I was his mate. In only two weeks, I will be able to go to the ritual and we can confirm if we are mates or not, but for now, we will continue as we have been. We begin to walk home and Jimin starts to get all handsy with me. "Not yet Jimin, let's wait for the ritual. Then we can confirm for sure if we are mates, lets just wait until we know for sure." I tell him as his hands start to go lower and lower on my body. "Get to the packhouse now, the Royal Alpha and Beta are here." We hear through our mind-link. Me and Jimin both start to head to the pack's house. When we get there I see our Alpha, Namjoon, talking with a younger guy, who I presume to be the king. The younger man is handsome, I have to admit. But I have Jimin so I shouldn't go crushing on someone else. I look at Jimin and he smiled at me, reassuring me that it was ok. We walk up to Namjoon. Hoseok looked up and saw me and Jimin. "Hello, Jimin, Aera!" Hobi said with his sunshine-like smile. Our Beta, Hoseok, is one of the most joyful people I know. Then the Royal Alpha and Beta turn and look our way. "Those two are Park Jimin and Min Aera, two of our younger members." Namjoon introduced. Me and Jimin both bow out of respect for our king and his Beta. "You may rise, I am Kim Taehyung, your Royal Beta." The Beta said with a boxy smile. "I am Jeon Jungkook, your Royal Alpha, now, I heard one of you is attending the mating ritual for the first time?" Jungkook or our Royal Alpha asked. "I am, Alpha Jungkook," I respond politely. "Well, I hope you find your mate. It would be a shame if someone as pretty as you didn't have one." Jungkook stated. Jimin then growls, not liking Jungkook flirting with me. "Don't flirt with her, she is mine for right now," Jimin growled, earning a glare from our Alpha, Namjoon. "Jimin, that is not how you talk to an Alpha, especially the Royal Alpha," Namjoon growled back. "I don't care, he can't try and take her yet," Jimin growled back. Jungkook then looks like he is about to shift, angered at Jimin's attitude. "Jimin, just stop," I growl at him, knowing that Jimin is no match for Alpha Jungkook. Jimin looks at me. "No, I am not backing down," Jimin growled. Then Jungkook shifts and lunges towards Jimin. Jimin then shifted. They fought until Jimin had his head down to the floor, a sign of submission among wolves. Jungkook shifts back into human form, smirking at Jimin's defeat. He was handed clothes and he quickly changed, as well as Jimin. "I'm sorry." Jimin whimpers. "Just don't disrespect me again," Jungkook growled.

(Jungkook's POV)

This Aera girl is rather intriguing. She is absolutely stunning, I hope she is my mate, I hope I could take her from that Jimin guy right now, but I should wait for the ritual in two weeks, the first time I would be able to attend as well. Then I will know for sure if she is the one. She sure is a beauty. For some reason I want her all to myself, to claim her, make her mine, but I will wait till I know for sure. I want to be polite, but I also want her relationship with that dick Jimin to end. Jimin is a disrespectful piece of shit, he doesn't deserve a pure soul like hers. Please Moon Goddess, let her be with someone who isn't Jimin. Taehyung then pokes me in the arm, making me realize that I completely zoned out. "What has got the Royal Alpha all worked up?" My Beta Taehyung asked, making me realize that I was clenching my fists in anger. "Nothing," I said, unclenching my fists. Calm down Jungkook. I then notice that Aera and Jimin are both gone. I then hear a cute growl. "Not until after the ritual, I want to save myself for my true mate if it isn't you. After I will let you, ok?" I heard her tell who I presume to be Jimin. Ah, so she is saving her virginity for her true mate, great. "I am so sorry about Jimin, he gets protective when it comes to Aera. He doesn't want Aera to find her mate during the ritual because that would mean that Jimin could take her to bed and be with her forever." The Lovely Pack's Alpha Namjoon told me. "That confirms that he is a dick, I don't like that they are together one bit. A man like him doesn't deserve a pure soul like her." I growl out. "You aren't the only one who doesn't like their relationship. Jimin's mother hates that Jimin is with her. But I don't agree with her thoughts, she thinks that young Aera is a slut, but Aera has never touched another male like that ever, not even Jimin." Namjoon said. How dare anyone call her a slut! "I can tell that his mother is a true bitch, most likely where that dick got his attitude from," I growled.

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