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"Do royal wolves not generally join in with the normal celebrations that happen after the call?" I asked Jungkook, the other wolves are still outside, having a party to celebrate them all finding their mates. Jungkook was sitting down and my head was on his lap. "Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. I didn't want to go after I found you because I want to spend the rest of the night here with you, alone, where no other wolf or creature can disturb us. I want to get to know you, in private, without the commotion of the after-party. I also want to explain royal tradition, the other wolves don't need as much detail as you do. I want you to be completely ready when the main event for us happens so that you can expect what is expected of you. I want you ready to give me every inch of your body, that can not happen if we don't trust each other. The next couple of days we are going to spend the whole day together and with our packs so that we can gain each other's trust and learn about one another. Your pack is going to move in here because they are your originating pack, Jimin and his mate, who is joining your pack, can stay too, Namjoon has already been informed, I will try my best to behave around Jimin. I hate that you two were together but I will trust that you won't go seeing him romantically again. I ask that when you want to leave the house, you tell me where you are going, this may seem like I am controlling you, but if I don't know where you are, I will begin to worry. I will get scared that you will get hurt, that is why I want you to tell me, ok?" He said. God, this is a lot to take in. "Ok, Kookie," I responded. "Good, now, onto the more serious things, like the ceremony that is to happen at the end of the ritual, one of the biggest days for the both of us. Every single pack will be there. It will be like a normal wedding, we go to the ballroom, we say a few words to the packs, and then we kiss. After all of that happens, we come back here, we undress, and we have sex with each other, before the ceremony hopefully, I will take you to a place and connect you into my pack's mind link system. I hope we can make this work." Jungkook explained everything that was to happen at the ceremony. The sex part kind of made me nervous, but it won't be for a few days. "Now I am going to come out and say this, I was in a relationship before tonight, but I assure you, we are not going to be together anymore, and I never sexually touched a woman. I am telling you this because I know we should not keep secrets from each other as mates, to keep our trust. So you know, my parents were killed by a group of Rouges, but they are all already taken care of. I don't want us to keep a single secret between us. Now, tell me, is there anything I should know other than your relationship with Jimin?" He asked me after telling me what he wanted me to know. I feel bad that his parents were killed by the rouges. "Not really, my relationship with Jimin was the only thing that really happened until tonight," I told him. "Aera, you are the most beautiful girl I have seen in my life." He said. I smiled up at him. "I am lucky to have found you, Kookie," I told him. "No, I am the lucky one, and keep calling me that, I like it," Jungkook said, giving me the cutest smile I have ever seen. "Ok, Kookie!" I said brightly. After a few moments of us being in this position, there is a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" Jungkook called. A handsome man came in. "Hello, I am Kim Seokjin. The Royal chef." The male introduced himself. "Do you guys want anything to eat?" Seokjin asked. I looked up at Jungkook and he nodded as in saying that it is ok. "I would like something, but I am not picky, I'll eat whatever you make me," I told him. He then left to make me something, then a shorter male came in. "Hello, I am Min Yoongi, the Royal doctor, if you need anything just come and find me." He said. "Ok, nice to meet you, Yoongi," I said politely. "You too, I guess," Yoongi said. "He's socially awkward," Jungkook told me. I nodded in response to Jungkook as Yoongi leaves. "Now there is something you should know about joining our packs mind link, I have to take your blood in the stream that supplies all of our packs water." He told me. I am so glad that Jungkook is letting me know exactly what is going on and is telling me everything that can make or break a relationship if not told. "Kookie, I hope you know that I am going to need to be taught how to fit the role of Luna. I wasn't in the higher ranks in my pack so I never had to learn how to be a proper Luna." I told him. "I will help teach you whatever you need to know, I will be with you every single step of the way. My Luna." He smiled at me. "Can I be completely honest with you?" He asked me after a few moments of silence. "Yes, Kookie." I told him. "Us being mates helps me to understand the feelings I felt when I first met you two weeks ago. I wanted you for myself. I wanted to order Jimin to stay away from you. I hated the fact that you were in a relationship with that wolf. He was really disrespectful, mind my language, I thought that piece of shit didn't deserve such a beautiful girl like yourself. I heard what you growled to him about waiting till tonight and it made my wolf so glad that you planned on waiting till tonight. That night I came home, I immediately broke up with my girlfriend, knowing that I was going to find my mate. I had a feeling that it was you the moment I laid eyes on you. You were and still are, absolutely stunning. I want to spend every second of every day with you, but I also want to protect you. I don't think I should let a single guy even look at you. I want your attention only on me, but I also don't want to control every aspect of your life, so I will hold myself back. You are more important to me than anything else on this Earth." Jungkook told me. I started crying, his words made me feel so emotional. "Hey, don't cry, babe!" He said cutely. I smiled at him. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. There is another knock on the door and Jungkook groaned. "Come in." Kookie said. "Food is in the kitchen, come on." Seokjin said. Jungkook and I get up and he leads me to the kitchen. We sit down at a table and servants bring out our plates of food. "We hope you guys enjoy your meal." A servant said before going back to the kitchen. I took a bite of the food and it was delicious, better than the food at my now old home. "How is it, darling?" Jungkook asked me. "It is the best food I have ever had." I told him honestly. "Glad you enjoy it." He said, with his bunny smile. I guess he is just happy that I am enjoying my new home. "Now, it is getting late, we should go to bed, love." He said. Right after he said that I let out a yawn before nodding in agreement. He chuckled and picked me up, walking us to his room. "I'm sorry, but we don't seem to have any of your clothes yet, do you mind sleeping in one of my shirts?" He asked when we got in his room. "I don't mind Kookie." I responded. We both got changed and laid in bed together. He pulled me close and cuddled me to his chest before we both fell asleep.

The Royal Alpha's Mate - BTS JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now