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The next morning I woke up and saw Jungkook still asleep. He looks so peaceful. I want to get up but I also don't want to wake Jungkook. I see his nose twitch as if to smell if I left and just put a pillow in his arms to act like me. He hummed in content that I was still there. His eyes then flutter open and he looks down at me. He gave me a cute bunny smile that I could never get tired of. "I love your smile, Jungkook," I told him in a soft voice, not wanting to ruin the moment. "Then I will smile more, just for you." He said cutely. "Speaking like that will end up making me forget that you are the Royal Alpha. You are acting so cute!" I said. "I don't care, as long as you love me and don't ever leave me." He said, pouting. "Ahhh! You are being too adorable!" I squealed like a little fangirl.  "Don't lie Aera, you love it." He stated. "You are right, I do love it." I smiled at him. "Thank you for staying with me all night, I thought that you would just crawl out of bed and put a pillow in my arms." He thanked, pouting at the last part. "I would never, you make me feel safe. When I am in your arms I feel that nothing can harm me, ever." I confessed. "I won't let anything happen to you while you are with me, darling. I love you and it would break my heart if you were hurt." He whined, not liking the thought of his precious mate getting hurt. "Can we go get food now?" I asked Jungkook. "You think I will just let you walk around my house in just my shirt?" He asked, but it wasn't really a question. It was an 'Oh no you don't' type of statement. "Oh crap, I forgot about that. Do you perhaps have a pair of sweatpants that I can borrow?" I asked him. "Of course sweetheart. Let me go get you a pair." He said before getting up and going to grab a pair of sweatpants and handing them to me, grabbing a shirt for himself. We put on the clothing and start heading to the dining room. When we get there we are immediately met by Seokjin. "What do you guys want for breakfast?" He asked us. Jungkook looked at me, as in saying I could choose. "Um, can you make pancakes?" I asked him. "Of course! I can make you guys pancakes!" Jin said energetically. "Pancakes is one of Seokjin's favorite breakfasts to make, I don't know why though," Jungkook told me. After we sit down Jungkook's Beta Taehyung came up to us, Hoseok walking in behind him. "Aera! I am so glad that you found your mate!" Hobi said excitedly as he pulled me out of my seat and hugged me. Jungkook was also engulfed in a hug by Taehyung. After a minute or so Jungkook started to growl, not liking Hoseok being so close to me. "Kookie, calm down," I told him. "This is normal for Hoseok," I added to the last statement. Jungkook then stopped, but he kept a close eye on Hobi to make sure he didn't do anything way out of line. Hoseok then let go of me. "Namjoon wants to speak with you both when you are ready," Hobi said. "About what?" Jungkook said. "He said he wanted to congratulate the both of you, but we will have to wait and see," Taehyung said. Jungkook and I both nodded. Seokjin then came out with our food. We ate and the food was again delicious. After we eat we both get up and head over to where the rest of the Lovely Pack is. "Congrats guys! I am glad you guys found your mate!" Namjoon said energetically. "Thanks! I love her, she is so adorable!" Kookie told Namjoon. "Yeah, she can be pretty adorable," Jimin said, walking up with his mate, Jisoo. "You are lucky that I love Aera and that I have made a promise to her, or I wouldn't even let you near her," Jungkook growled, getting possessive of me. "I wouldn't dream of taking your mate away from you, I have mine right here beside me," Jimin responded. "Good," Jungkook smirked, pulling me into him. We continued to talk with the rest of my pack. When it came time for lunch, Jungkook and I said goodbye to my pack. Kookie led me outside to an absolutely beautiful place. "I planned a picnic for us, my Luna," Jungkook told me. "This is absolutely amazing, Kookie," I told him. "Wait here, I have to go get the food." He said, getting up and heading to the kitchen. While I was outside alone, Jimin came up and sat next to me. "So that jerk left you alone?" Jimin asked. "He went to get food for the two of us. Where is your mate?" I responded. "She had to go deal with something with her pack." He told me. "Jungkook would be pissed if he saw you here with me alone, so I would leave before Jungkook gets mad at you." I told Jimin. He got up and left. After a few minutes, Jungkook comes back with the food. He sits down and arranges the food. He gave me a plate and put some of the food on it. "I saw you and Jimin sitting out here, what were you guys doing?" He asked me. "We were just talking, I told him to leave though, figured that you coming out here and seeing him with me would make you mad." I told him. "I heard everything you guys said. What you told him, makes me realize that I can trust you, but please, don't go choosing him over me. I wanted to ask you because I wanted to see if you would lie to me, which you didn't." He said, pouting. "I won't, Kookie. I don't like him like I used to, I only like you in that way." I told him, smiling up at him. "Now, let us eat! I am getting hungry." I told Jungkook. Jungkook smiled, getting himself food. We ate and he kept making cute faces at me. "Kookie! I can't handle it. You being all cute like that, I mean. You are going to make my heart explode!" I told him. "I'm sorry babe, but you are going to have to get used to it. I definitely won't stop being all cute for you," He responded. Then we spot Yoongi walking outside. He looked at us and smiled, before walking towards the driveway. We see him then walk back towards the building with a girl beside him. "Is that his mate?" I asked Jungkook. Kookie nodded in response. "Hello, I am Irene, Yoongi's mate. It is nice to meet our future Luna." She introduced, after walking up to us with Yoongi. "I am Min Aera. Nice to meet you as well." I told her. 

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