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(A/N: This chapter mentions self-harm)

After the picnic, Jungkook picked me up and carried me inside. "I love you, sweetheart. I hope you know that," Jungkook whispered in my ear. "I love you too, Jungkook," I whispered back.

 "I love you too, Jungkook," I whispered back

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(A/N: Jungkook is holding her like this^)

This boy is going to be the death of me with his cute bunny smile. "Hey! What are you two up to?" We hear Jungkook's Beta ask energetically. "We are just hanging out and getting to know each other, Taehyung." Jungkook answers. "Ok! You guys look adorable together!" Taehyung said, still with a ton of energy. All of a sudden a wolf runs into Taehyung. "I am so sorry for running into you, Royal Beta." The wolf said, shying back. "It is ok, but watch where you are going, omega. The Royal Alpha and his mate are right behind me," Taehyung said. The omega whimpers before turning away and walking off, not wanting to be near the Alpha. Jungkook carries me to his room and laid down with me in his lap. "Kiss me, babe, I need a kiss from my baby girl," He asked. I kiss him gently before he pulls me into him, making the kiss a bit rougher. He lightly groans into the kiss. "I love the feeling of your lips, baby. I find myself just wanting more kisses from you," He said in a teasing manner. He flipped us over to where he was on top before reattaching our lips together. He makes the kiss a little rougher. He puts one of his hands on my waist while keeping the other one on the bed for support so he won't fall on me. He groans again as he deepens the kiss. "So beautiful." He whispers against my lips. He then moves his lips down to my neck, planting small kisses before he reaches my collarbone. His kisses on my neck get rougher with each kiss. I moan as he kisses my sweet spot. He then starts to suck on that area, ensuring that he will leave a mark. He pulls away before pressing our foreheads together as he breathes. "I couldn't control myself, I just had to mark you. Seeing you with Jimin makes me jealous, I just want to rip him apart limb from limb. But I promised you that I wouldn't harm him, so I won't. I'll just have to control my anger and jealousy. For you baby," He whispered breathlessly. "Thank you. I really enjoyed that," I told Jungkook. "Good, I am glad," Jungkook smiled sweetly. Then the door opens, revealing Jimin. "Sarah! You are already fucking him?!" Jimin yells. "Jimin, no, I am not," I told him. "Then what is that on your chest?!" He yelled walking up to me. He pulled me from Jungkook. "Leave my best friend alone! I don't care if you are her mate!" Jimin growled. "Jimin! Stop it! What is going on with you! What would your mate think about this?!" I yelled at him. "She wouldn't like it..." He said, looking at his feet, getting sad since I was mad at him. "I'm sorry, I just thought he was hurting you when I heard you moaning." He explained. "It's ok Jimin, just don't make that mistake again, ok?" I asked him. "Babe, you are way too forgiving." I heard Jungkook say behind me. "Only with Jimin and you, Kookie. I can't stay mad at Jimin, even if I tried, he was the only one that was really there for me before the ritual." I told Jungkook. Then his eyes widen. "What do you mean?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice. "Sure, the rest of my pack cared for me, but they never really cared what was going on with me, they only really cared about me living until the ritual. I wanted to hurt myself multiple times, but every single time, Jimin was there to stop me. He is the reason that I am still here. Without Jimin, I wouldn't have lived. The more time that went by, the stronger his and my bond grew. The closer we got. Everyone thought we were together, so we ended up getting together for the time being. He would make sure I was safe. Whenever I felt the need to hurt myself, He would convince me not to. Without Jimin, I felt like I was useless, that I didn't belong, that I didn't deserve to be in this world. But Jimin made me feel like I was worth it. You should really be thanking him, he is the reason I was able to meet you, because, without him, I would be dead," I admit to him. "Yeah, that is why I am protective of her, I don't want her to go back to those times. I wouldn't be able to live in the guilt if she digressed back into her depression," Jimin said. I look at Jungkook and see that he was crying. "Babe, I can't believe you went through that... Baby, please, if you start to feel that way again, please go to Yoongi, he knows what it is like, please, promise me that you will!" Jungkook said, pulling me into him. He just holds me to him. Yoongi then walks in. "What is going on here? You guys are being so loud and I can't sleep because of it." Yoongi growled. "Aera was just telling me that she used to be depressed after Jimin walked in on us coming down from the high of a make-out session." Jungkook said, still holding me. Yoongi walks up to us and pulls me out of Jungkook's arms into his own chest. "I am going to take her to the clinic, I should check on her to make sure that she is healthy since she used to have depression it is essential." Yoongi said, before dragging me to the clinic. "Why did you go into a depression? With you being our future Luna, I need to know your medical history, we should start with your mental and emotional past." Yoongi asked before going into an explanation. "I didn't feel like I was good enough, I felt like I was worthless." I told Yoongi. "How far did you go? Did you cut your wrist or try to kill yourself?" He asked. "I did cut myself, I also tried to kill myself a few times. Obviously, my attempts didn't work, as I am still here," I answered honestly. "Let me see your arms." He demanded. I show him my arms where the last of my scars are healing. "How long has it been since you last cut yourself?" He asked. I was getting tired of his questions, but I know they are necessary. "It has been one year. A little less than a year since my last suicide attempt though." I told him. "You are doing well then. What made you stop?" He asked. "Jimin, he was there for me from the beginning." I answered. "Ok, that'll be all for today, I can tell that you are a bit out of it for now. I want you to come to me whenever you feel down, ok? I will try my best to help you. I went through the same thing up until three years ago," He said. "Ok, Yoongi. I am going to go back to Jungkook's room." I told him. He nodded. I then leave the room only to be met with Jimin. "Please, keep me updated on what is going on. Best friends for life still, right?" He asked. I nodded at him with a huge smile. He smiled back. "I will forever be your mochi when you need me. Your mate told me that we could hang out whenever we want! Speaking of your mate, he is waiting for you!" He said, reminding me of the nickname I gave him a while back. "Ok, mochi!" I told him. I then make my way to Jungkook's room. I walked in and Jungkook wasn't in here. I then see a note on the bed.

Hey Sarah!

Let's go on a date, but first, you have to find me! Come to the kitchen, Jin will meet you there with another clue! But first, put one of the dresses in the closet on. I'll be waiting! Don't take too long!


I giggle before going and quickly changed into a beautiful dress. I walk to the kitchen and Jin hands me another note.

Where did we find out we were mates? Hint: Where was the howl, not the sniffing each other out.

-Your special Mate

P.S. You are so close to finding me!!

The note read. Man, this wolf is cute. I then walk to where the ritual was held and saw a note laying on the ground, precisely where I was standing that night.

Go towards the area you saw Jimin run off to after his mate. He will be waiting for you,

-Your Bunny

P.S. Hurry up, I miss you!

I walk in the direction that Jimin ran off to during the ritual. As I was walking through the forest I saw Jimin waiting on me through the woods. "Hey, Aera! Over here!" He yelled excitedly. I walk over to Jimin. "Mochi, what is going on?" I asked my childhood friend. "That is a surprise, my friend. Jungkook told me not to tell you," Jimin said, giving me his wide smile. He then leads me to a clearing in the woods and I see Jungkook standing in the middle of the clearing. I walk up to Jungkook. "Hey, Kookie! You look absolutely handsome!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "You look absolutely beautiful as well, darling!" Jungkook said.

 "You look absolutely beautiful as well, darling!" Jungkook said

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(This is what Jungkook was wearing^)

"Thank you, Jungkook," I told him. "Do you recognize this place?" He asked, just staring at me. I looked around and saw that we were in the area of the woods that we first saw each other as mates. "Yes, I do Jungkook. How could I forget where this all started?" I told him. "I thought that this would be the best place for our first real date, don't you think?" He asked me. I nodded as a response. He set out a blanket like he did for lunch and sat down. I sat down and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled down at me. "Now, let's eat the dinner Jin made us before it gets cold," He said before motioning towards the varieties of food. "That is a lot of food!" I said. "Yeah, we want our future Luna to be healthy. We also didn't know what you liked so I made sure they made plenty of food," He said. "You didn't have to do that for me, Kookie!" I exclaimed. "I know, but I wanted to. I want my princess to be happy," He said. We then start eating and all the food was delicious. He pecked my lips after we finished eating. For the next minute or so Jungkook and I sat there just enjoying each other's company. "Tell me, why did I get such a sweet girl as my mate?" He asked while looking down at me. "I don't know, how did I get a wolf that is so handsome that also happens to be the Royal Pack's Alpha?" I asked him back, also looking up towards him. He smiled. "I am so lucky. You are my life, you know that?" He asked. "Yeah, you are my life as well, Kookie," I responded. He smiled down at me.

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