~I Don't Dance~ Aizawa x Reader

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The last place Aizawa had expected to be on his birthday was a club. The loud music and crowds of people just never sat right with him, so he very rarely went. Mic on the other hand refused to let his best friend's birthday go uncelebrated and insisted on a club. At first Aizawa was gonna decline but he saw how excited you were to go and he couldn't decline the offer. You two rarely went to clubs and because of that you were overjoyed at the idea. Of course you had told him if he really preferred you guys could just stay home and celebrate there but by then his mind was made up. He looked up and out into the dance floor and saw you dancing happily to the song that DJ was playing and he felt his cheeks heat up. He honestly couldn't believe how insanely lucky he was to have you in his life, much less had the honor of getting to call you his girlfriend. Your shimmering e/c eyes locked with his after a moment and the excitement in your face grew and he couldn't help but feel butterflies grow in his stomach. If anyone would have asked him if he'd ever feel this way about someone 2 years ago he would have called bullshit. He was always so focused on UA and his hero work. He never thought he'd meet someone like you. He chuckled as he saw you hold our your arms to him, making a grabby motion with both of your hands. He shook his head with a chuckle but in seconds you had hurried over to him and grabbed his hands in your softly. " but baby I don't dance." you shook your head. With a gentle, loving smile.

"I'll teach you. It'll be fun I promise." he sighed, returning a loving smile as he nodded and your smile widened as you pulled him up from the bar stool he had been sitting on. You pulled him over to a less crowded part of the club and you two happily started dancing to the songs that came over the speaker. Although a little stiff at first Aizawa slowly got the hang of it and he found himself laughing and smiling as he danced with you. He looked at you and his heart nearly came out of his chest. The way the lights hit your face and how your h/c hair would drift just slightly behind your movements. You were breathtaking and he felt his heart leap into his throat as the song ended and the DJ announced the next was a slow couples dance. He looked up at the stage and saw Mic just getting down from it and pointed finger guns at him before disappearing into the crowd. Of course it was Mic. he looked down at you, his cheeks back to a soft red. "I-I'm sorry I." you shook your head as you took his hands softly into yours and you gently guided his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Just let the music guide you baby." you said as you slowly started swaying to the soft tune. He nodded a little nervous as he started to sway with you. Once he got into the gentle rhythm of the song it was like the rest of the world melted away and it was just the two of you. He looked down at you, your head resting gently against his chest and his arms locked loosely around your waist as you two gracefully glided around the dance floor. As the song continued he pulled you gently into a twirl watching in admiration as you giggled and landed back against his chest. When the song started to come to a end he wrapped his arm around you and softly dipped you, you stared into his eyes, pure love evident in your e/c orbs and he swore in this moment he had never been more in love in his life. He softly leaned down and you both shared a passionate kiss as the song played its final notes. Once you two broke the kiss you reached up and cupped his face in your hand gently. "Happy birthday, my love." you said softly, pure love dripping from your voice and he pulled you up from the dip position and kissed the top of your head. "Thank you so much baby," 

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