My Quirkwhatnow?

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*After an hour Goku wakes up and immediately remembers everything that happened as well as the fact that he now has the body of his teenager self*

Goku: Oh boy, talk about going overboard, me and Vegeta fought so hard it opened a portal to what I think is another world although this does look like earth.

Goku: Wait a second! I need to check If I still have all my power or if I lost it.

*Goku then starts powering up to full power and checks all his transformations and realizes something amazing*

Goku: NO WAY! NOT ONLY DID I KEEP MY POWER IT ALSO MULTIPLIED AND ALL MY FORMS NO LONGER DRAIN ME OF MY STAMINA AND THE KAIOKEN NO LONGER STRAINS ME EITHER- well actually it doesn't strain me to use it up to times 100 in all forms including blue but any higher and I will start feeling the strain.

Goku: anyways I should start exploring this new world, I hope I can find Strong people to fight!

*the earth shakes and a rumble is heard* 

Goku: and maybe I can find some food too hehe.

*goku starts flying around when he sees a villian with a quirk that allows him to shoot water and fire robbing a bank*

*Goku drops to the ground and talks to the villian*

Goku: You shouldn't be doing that you know, give everything you stole back right now or else.

Villian: And why would I listen to some teenage kid? Go home before I get angry.

Goku: *sigh* I warned you.

Villian: Wha-

*Goku then neckchops the villian with what looks like superspeed to everyone else when it wasn't even 10% of his full speed when suddenly All Might Appears*

All Might:NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HE- oh it seems everything is all right, thank you young man although young man you shouldn't put yourself in danger like that nor should you use your quirk in public, i won't get you in trouble for using it in public but don't do it again.

Goku: Thanks and all but I have three questions for you.

All Might: Sure thing i have a bit of free time right now anyways.

Goku: Ok thanks, So One what's a quirk, Two who are you, and Three are you strong and if so do you want to spar?

All Might: ...

All Might: D-Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say you don't know what a quirk is?

Goku: Yep

All Might: *is shocked* and how do you not know who I am, I am All Might the Symbol of Peace and Justice and to answer your third question I am one of the strongest people on the planet.

*All Might then realizes his time is almost up*

All Might: I must go now to attend a... a meeting yes a meeting and I'm going to be late but I will look for you later.

*Then All might goes running at 100% to make sure Goku can't catch him and enters UA and goes to the teacher lounge since he is allowed to enter since he is now works there and the entrance exam will be the next day*

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