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*The UA teachers*

Toshinori's Thoughts: Goku I knew you had so much power, you even showed me but... I still just can't believe it.

Aizawa: I want him in my class

*At hearing this all the other heroes and staff at UA are shocked*

Nezu: And why is that?

Aizawa: Did you not hear his speech? Did you not see why he was furious? Because if you didn't I certainly did. I believe he has the most potential out of everyone that ever went to UA including All Might.

*Everyone is left speechless, Aizawa THE Eraserhead just said someone had potential and not only that, he just said he had more potential than All Might!* 

Nezu: Well I for one don't see why not, very well then he will be in your class.

Aizawa: Thank You Nezu

Toshinori: Well in that case I better go find Goku and inform him.

Nezu: Did you already know him?

Toshinori: As a matter of fact I do, I met him yesterday during a patrol, he helped stopped a bank robbery with ease. He basically teleported to the villian and neckchopped him.

Aizawa: Thats great and all but using a quirk in public without a hero license is illegal.

Toshinori: You see thats the thing, He doesn't have one.

*Everyone is amazed by this statement*

Aizawa: Th-Thats impossible!!!

Toshinori: Then hows this? When you do your quirk assesment test, try to use your quirk on him at all times while he's taking the test to see if he has a quirk or not.

Aizawa: Fine

*Back with Vegeta*

Vegeta: Bulma we have a serious problem

Bulma: What did you do this time?

Vegeta: While me and Kakarot were sparring we had a beam struggle, that beam struggle exploded and creted a portal that sucked Kakarot in!

Bulma:YOUR TELLING ME THIS NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE STARTED WITH THAT. *sigh* There's not much we can do about that now we just gotta hope the dragon balls will help. 

*grabs and hands over dragon radar*

Bulma: Go gather the dragon balls

Vegeta: On it

Bulma Thoughts: Goku I wonder how your holding up so far.

*Back with Goku*

Goku: I can't believe some people. 

*finally dropped out of Super Saiyan*

Goku: I wonder where I can live? Last night I slept in the woods which I'm fine with but I should probably find a place where I can live more comfortably. I should ask All Might.

*Goku then instant transmissioned to him to ask*

*The UA Teachers*

Goku: Hi All Might, where am I?

Aizawa: Speak of the devil.

Toshinori: You are in a room where all the UA teachers exam the contestants. We were just talking about how powerful you were and how Aizawa wants you in your class. I would have looked for you but Your here, also if I didn't find you, we wouldn't know where to send the acceptance letter too since we don't know where you live.

Goku: I actually came here to talk to you about that, I don't know where to stay since homeless right now, well for the meantime anyways.

Toshinori: Wait then where did you live yesterday?

Goku: In the forest.

Toshinori's Thoughts: You make it sound so normal. 

Nezu: Since you will be going to UA I suppose we can arrange for you to live in an apartment the school would pay for. The school would also pay for your other needs such as clothing, food and etc.

Goku: Seriously?!? Gee Thanks! Well, I'm off!

Aizawa: See you In a week.

Aizawa thoughts: Does a he truly not have a quirk?

*A Week Later*

Goku: Oh Man! I can't wait to go to UA.

*As Goku walks In to class 1-A he Sees a Familiar Face*

???: Oh Hi, your the really strong guy that saved me! I remember you shouting that your name was Son Goku.

A/N: And thats the end of that chapter, I did promise that I would make One today, I was planning on making this chapter longer by having the quirk assessment test be in this one but In all honesty I have to do a lot of assignments and it would take a while for me to finish this so I decided hey why not leave everyone that is reading this hanging by not letting them know who Goku saved that seems like a great Idea

\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

 Just so you know I already am working on the next chapter but another reason why I didn't make this longer is because if I did keep working on this, I most likely would publish this chapter tomorrow  which wouldn't be fair to you guys. Another thing I am making a Q&A after thhis chapter is posted so you guys can help me decide who Goku saved. Again if you have any suggestions for things you would like see feel free to comment it and if you have any questions for me or the story feel free to ask. Thats all for now so 



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