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I was walking down the halls of Gotham acedemy. As usual people stopped talking. Looked at me and scoffed. Everyone here hated me. I took my seat in my first class: English. I sat next to a girl named Artemis Crock. She never paid attention to me. After thirty miutes of torture in English I was tired out of my mind. So I was happy to get to math. Although I was a Freshman I took a senior class in math. Nothing to brag about. I was in tenth grade for every subject. Yea, I was smart, so what?

I sat down in math class. I sat behind Roy Harper. He had ginger-like hair. He was about 5"7. pretty tall. His hair was always in a quiff. Boy was he smart, though. About fifteen minutes past. I was bored for once.

"Mr. Grayson?" My teacher, Ms. Crosley, said. I looked up at her blankly. "Huh? What?" I said cluelessly. She pointed at the chalkboard. "The answer." Ms. Crosley sternly said. A few people in the class giggled at this. "56 x 4 + 21 x 7 - 4 + 67 =" I whispered under my breath. "The answer is 434" I said praying I was right.

"Correct." Said Ms. Crosley. I raised my hand. "Yes?" She said. "May I go to the bathroom?" I said. She merely nodded.

I walked down the hallway. Truth is I didn't have to got to the bathroom. I just had to do something.

I walked in the restroom and looked in the mirror. What would mom and dad do? I silently asked myself. No one else was in the bathroom. " I think it'd be for the best if I died." I told myself said again getting serious. I then started writing on my flesh with my pencil sharpening blade.

"...I was like no Fing way. And he said 'dude I swear'. Yea, yea love ya too, Uncle Barry." I heard a voice say. Someone was in the bathrrom. Right behind me. Dare I turn around. Then strong arms wrapped around me. Dude, stop" said the voice. He pulled me down on the ground. that's when I started sobbing uncontrolably.

I buried my head into his chest. By now we where both on the ground. I looked up to see who it was. Wally West. No not him. Anyone, but him please. I begged. "Dick, Dick Grayson cutting? Why?" Wally asked.

"Everyone hates me. Everyone." I said through sobs. He looked at me and shook. "Bruce doesn't hate you. I don't hate. In fact your kind of cute." What? Am I hearing things? Did Wally West, my dream boyfriend, just say I'm cute?

"What?" I asked. He looked at me. He didn't answer instead he kissed me. When he pulled away he looked down at my wrists and said 'no more pain, mkay?" I nodded. After that we went our seperate ways. I went to math, before the bell rings. Wally went to biologhy.



I was talking to my best friend Roy haper. "So you and Artemis?" I said raising an eyebrow as Artemis Crock acme up to him and kissed him. "Yep. Why? Jealous?" He said. "Funny, Roy. You know I'm gay.'' I said. He put his hands up indefense. We all started talking about random things. When out of the corner of my eye I saw Dick Grayson.

Wait...something was wrong with this picture. Roy must've noticed too because he turned his head. He was crying. He was soak and wet in his boxers.This would've been adorable to me, but it was winter. Not to mention there was snow on th ground.

Everyone started laughing. Except Roy, Artemis and I. I turned around to see an old butler coming this way. With a man. "Who did it?" the man boomed. No one spoke. "If I find out who did this you sure won't ever be back here. Ever." The man spoke threatingly. He picked up Dick and walked away.

Artemis, Roy, and I ran after them. "Do you kids now who did this." He spoke in a rather kind tone. We all shook are heads 'no'. i looked at Dick and gave him my big winter jacket. I didn't need. Then' I remembered something. I looked at his wrist, he was all patched up it looked like they were never there.

'Trick' he mouthed. 'oh' I mouthed back. "Thanks kid." The butler spoke. "I'm Bruce. This is Alfred and assume you know Dick." We all said 'yes' in unison. "Well, it was nice meeting you Bruce and Alfred..." "...but we should really be going.'' Artemis and Roy said as they walked away.

"Can I go home with yous?" I asked Bruce. H enodded. So I got in the back seat with Dick who was shivering. I scooted closer to Dick and wrapped in arm around him to help him get warm. He put his head on my shoulder. I placed my head atop his. Soon we both fell asleep like that.


Dick and I awoke when Alfred lightly shook us to get up. I drowsily opened my eyes. We walked up to the front door. When I walked in it was so much to take in. "You two can head up to Master Dick's room." Alfred said. Dick looked at him and smiled. "Thanks Alfred."

We walked up to Dick's room. It was amazing. His room was bigger than my living room. His bed was a king size bed which had a picture of Nightwing? I think. His door had a picture of Speedy and Green Arrow. He had A walk in closet that was organized neatly. A 'Flying Graysons' posters. I'll ask about that later. This room is like the room a complete and utter nerd would have. Its so cute!

I thought to myself. In the closet there were a bunch of costumes. There was Batman, Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Flash, Nightwing, Superboy, Red Robin, and the list goes on. The thing that stuck out the most was a stack of comic books by Dick's bed.

"A lot to take in. I know what thats like." Dick said. "Your really cute." I mumbled hoping Dick didn't hear me, but of course he. "Thanks your cute too." He said and kissed my cheek. I felt where his lips had touch. Then, I smiled at him.



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