Chapter 5

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We had just gotten to Comic-Con  and it was crowded. We couldn't see where we were going. Once inside the building Dick pulled out a camera and started recording. "Hi, future Dick! We are at comicon 2015. I am dressed as Robin. Artemis over is dressed as... well... Artemis!" He said walking next to Artemis. "Next, her boyfriend, Roy, is dressed up as Red Arrow!" Roy gave a small smile when he showed him. "Then, there's the lovely Barbara Gordon. She is the famous Batgirl!" When showing Barbara she blue a kiss to the camera.

"Now for last, but not least the hot Wally West! He is dressed as the amazing Kid Flash!" He showed me on the camera. QWhen he was about to say goodbye I pulled him into a kiss. The girls in the background 'awwed' at us. "You know what instead of saying goodb ye I'm just gonna film all of comicon!" He exclaimed. Believe me he filmed all of comicon.



It was pretty late when we got back. So, we were all asleep. When we had to walk in I carried asleeping Dick. I loved everything about him. His smile, his laugh, his love for DC, but most imporantly himself. He was just incredible. After I tucked in Dick I went downstairs to talk to Daniel. Lucky for me all he was doing was reading a book. I cleared my throat. When he heard me he looked up. Then, closed his book.

"Yes, Wally?" He asked with a frown present on his face. "Why do you hurt Richard?" I asked. I was surprised by the fact I used his real name. Daniel loked down and frowned. When he looked up he had tearsn his eyes. "I honestly don't know. I've done it ever since our parents' death." He answered. I didn't know if he was lying or not. I merely nodded. "How do I make it right?" He asked me.

"Say that you're sorry. That's what my dad does with me." I said. I whispered, though. He walked to me. I thought he was gonna slap me, instead he put his hand on my shoulder. "Yea, you're right. I'll do that now." He stated. Then, started walking up the stairs.


I knocked on Dick's door. When he didn't answer I just walked in. "Dick? Can I talk to you real quick?" i asked walking over to his bed. He shuffled a few times. "NO!!!" He sat up like a bullet. At the time i was on the bed. Then, I was standing up. I quickly sat down.

By now Dick was balling his eyes. I pulled him into a hug. I started rubbing small circles in his back. "Its okay. It was just a dream." I soothed him. "No, y-you were gonna kill me." He said. Was brother scard that I was actually gona kill him? I thought. Now I feel horrible.

"Dick?" I said. He looked up at me. "Yea, Danny?" He asked. "You know I love you right. I'm sorry I hurt you." He looked up at me as if i was a ghost. Then, he smiled. "I love you, more." He said. I smiled this was a game our mother would play with us.

"Yea, well I love you, most." I said as I flicked his nose with my thumb. He giggled. his giggle always reminds me of a kitten. "Why don't we go down stairs." He nodded. I picked up bridal style and started walking. From time to time I would swing him back and fourth. he giggled louder. Soon his giggled became loud laughs.

We made it down to the bottom of the stairs. When we got down Alfred had a first aid kit. I looked at everyone. They all looked surprise. Dick hugged me tighter like I would drop him. I would never do that... again. I kissed his cheek. All the girl in the room smiled. There was a small knock on the door. So, I set Dick on the ground.

"I'll get it!" I said heading over to the door. I opened the door. I was instantly greeted with small arms wrapped around my neck. "Thaila!" I said to my finace. She kissed me. When we broke a part I turned to everyone and said "this is my finace, Thaila." She waved at them. "And you must be ze Richard?" She said walking up to Roy. "Uh... no I'm Roy. That's Dick.

"Oh, I am very sorry. I have always done that." She apoligized. "We're getting married in two weeks." I said happily. Wally looked at me and smiled. I know what he meant by it, too. "Actually there's something I have to do." Wally said. We all nodded as he walked out the door. Little did he know a special someone followed him.


I just told them that I had to do something. I had decided on walking to my house to talk to mom and dad. I knocked on the door and when no one answered I walked in. I knew just what I had to do. I walked over to the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello? Can you to me a favor ma'am. My dad he's drunk all the time and he beats me. Yea can you send someone to come get him. Thank you." I felt horrible for doing it, but what choice did I have. I walked in to my dad's room and he threw something at me.

Then, I heard voices. "He's in here!" Yelled the voice of a policeman. "Hey, is that him?" He asked me pointing to my dad. I nodded. They hand cuffed him. He tried fighting, but they wouldn't give in. My mom was in the corner hiding. "Its safe now, mom. Will be safe now, I promise." I said a silent tear falling down my cheek.

Then, I felt scrawny arms wrap around my chest. "That was very brave of you, Wally." said the voice. I smiled. Dick. I turned around and hugged him.

My dad was in prison. Danny and Dick weren't fighting anymore. Barbara and Artemis became friends. Roy, Dick, and I were all happy. And none of us could wait for two weeks to pass. The sooner they pass, the sooner the wedding is. Artemis and Barbara and the best maids. Little Damian is gonna be the flower boy.

Roy and I were the bestmen. Dick, well, He was the ring bearer. We just couldn't wait.


It was finally the big day. As Thaila walked down the asile Dick and Danny kept glancing at each other. When Thaila reached Danny the preacher, Alfred, started, "Do you, Daniel Michael Grayson, take Thaila Rachel Jackson to be your wife. To have and hold. Through sickness and health. Rich or poor. Till death do you part."

Danny exaled and said "I do." Now it was Thaila's turn. "Do you, Thaila Rachel Jackson, take Daniel Michael Grayson yo be your husband. To have and to hold. Through sickness and health. Rich or poor. Till death do you part." Thaila's response "I do."

"May we have the rings?" Dick handed Alfred the rings. Then, Alfred handed them to danny and Thaila. They put the rings on and Alfred said "I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." As they kissed evryone cheered. After the after-party they left for their honeymoon.

Everyone went their seperate ways. I didn't know it would be this long, though...



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