Chapter 2

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I saw the same girl that ran away from her friends when she saw Dick and I. She was gasping and hugging someone.

"Um... Wally? Dick?'' Said a male voice. Bruce. Upon hearing his name Dick's eyes began to flutter open. "Yea, Bruce? Wait... Bruce?" Dick said covering himself with the blankets he got. "Your g-g-gay?" A female voice asked. Dick blushed sheepishly and nodded.

"Babs, w-what are you doing here? Dick asked. Okay so the girl was Babs? What a weird name. "I saw you holding hands with him. At first I didn't care, but then I noticed you had your head on his shoulder. So, I went to call Bruce. He didn't answer. I went to Wayne Enterprises and told him." Babs said.

The girl had auburn hair. She looked about thirteen or fourteen. She had a slim and altheletic body. She had baby blue eyes just like Dick's eyes. She wore dark blue skinny jeans. A batgirl shirt. Okay, what's up with everyone loving DC? Marvel is way better. I thought. It was almost like Dick and Babs read my mind because they said "marvel sucks!"

"Uh, how did you know I thought that?" I asked. "You think a lot out loud" Babs answered. I nodded. "Dick, here put this on." Bruce said handing Dick a long Giants shirt. Dick took them and placed them on under the blankets.

"oh, by the way. Barbara this is -" " Wallace ,a.k.a Wally, West." Barbara said. "How did you-" "everyone knows you. Wally West the jock. Football player. Sex slave to women. Boy who lost his virginty Freshman year." Barbara said. I was not liking this Barbara girl at all.

"What was that about 'sex slave to women' part?" Bruce asked me. "Are you even gay?!?" Dick asked slash exclaimed. "I-I-I a-a-am!" I stuttered. "Then, why do you sleep with every girl in your life?!?" Oh so we're back to the asking slash exclaiming.

"W-well... I... um. I-I-I c-can explained-" "NO!! Get out. I can't believe I actually liked you!" Dick yelled. Bruce looked at me as if saying 'don't say anything or you'll regret it.' So, I just got my clothes. Put them on and left without another word.


I can't believe I actually liked him!!! I thought. When he was gone I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut locking it. I had fallen in love with Kid Flash. Maybe he was just like Kid flash in the comic books. Someone who loves all the women and no men.

I guess its easy to fall in love with a fictional character. I mean love is always easy when its fake, right? Ugh. Why does everything have to be so fucking complicated!!! I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, but couldn't find my voice. I heard a knock on my door. a voice said " Dick, its me, Bruce. May I come in?" I wanted to tell him to just go away.

"Sure." I ended up saying anyway. "Look, I know your upset about Wally, but maybe he wasn't the one. There's plenty of fish in the seas, right?" Bruce half asked half said. I sniffled and nodded. He told me to get some rest and said goodnight.

I got under my covers and had a dream I would never forget.

The dream started like this: I was in school like alsway. Walking through the halls. Except there was the one one person I resented. Logan Frasch. He always had to bully me. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm. He flung me into a locker. Smashing my head on the lock hard.

Everybody around me was laughing. Even Wally. Who soon walked up to me with a knife in his hand. "I'm gonna make you wish you never kicked me out of your house." He said. then, he started running coll metal against my skin. I felt blood trickle down my neck.

Everything around me seemed to be a blur. I felt dizzy. Everything was hazy. Last thing I saw was Wally laughing at me whislt I hit the ground and died.

I woke with a start and heard my phone go off. I picked it up to see what time it was. "Its almost 6:00am.'' I said to myself. My phone had messages from Wally.

Wally: dude, i'm about wat happened. can i explain now

Wally: are youok?

Wally: did i hurt u?

I finally started to answer back.

Dick: no, u didn't its just...

Wally: just wat, Dick?

Dick: idk

Wally: i'm gay. i just have a tendency to forget that.

Dick: yea, i mean, i guess thats a good reason.

Dick: hold that thiought someone's calling me

Wally: ok.

"Hello?" I answered. "Huh, yea sure. yep. I know. I know. Yea, yea. Okay. Yea, Bruce. Mkay, love you too. Bye." I said talking with Bruce.

Dick: okay. i'm back

Wally: who was it?

Dick: Bruce.

Wally: oh, i see. and wat did he want?

Dick: to just tell me he went to work early

Wally: ok.

Wally: hey can i come over so we can talk better?

Dick: yea sure

Dick: how ya gonna get here?

Wally: uncle barry

Dick: okay ttly

Wally: ttyl


I heard a knock on the door and got it.  "Hi, Wally!" I basically exclaimed. Then, I did something I didn't expect to happen. I kissed him. I put my hands around his neck. He was surprised at first, but was soon kissing back. He put his hands on my waist.


"Your not mad?" I asked. Dick shook his head. "Good because there's something I have to ask you." I said.  "What?" He said. I breathed and got on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Will you, Richard John Grayson, be my loving boyfriend?" I asked. He stood there shocked and sad...



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