Chapter 1

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Okay, okay. Dick just kissed me. Stay calm Wally. stay calm. Okay even if I never told anyone I had a big crush on Dick. I mean I love the kid. He's always full of energy and life. Only Roy and Artemis new i was gay.  Uncle Barry and aunt Iris don't even know I'm gay.

"Wally. Hey, Wally?" Dick said I turned around to look at him. I looked down at his wrist and saw the cuts. The ones I saw him making in the bathhroom today, plus more. I then, realized he was still in his boxers soak and wet. When did he take my jacket off. I wondered

"Dude, its worse than I thought. Why do you do this?" I asked him. Worried for his safety. "Why do you do this to yourself?" he snuffled a bit and said "because no one ca-" he didn't get to finish becauase i slammed my lips into his.

"I love you" I said when we pulled a part. I realized just how awkward this postion really was. dick was basically naked except for his boxers. "Why don't we make it even?" I said with a seductive face. He only blushed has I pulled off my sweat shirt. Then, shirt and pants. Soon we were both in our boxers.

Now the it really was awkward. I ignored that and walk up to Dick. "Why don't you show me what acrobats can do in bed?" I smirked Dick just looked up me like I was a ghost.

"N-n-no I-I-I can't. I-I-I'm n-not ready, yet." Upon hearing this I frowned. then, I realized I was horny. That I had wanted Dick for awhile now, but he's not ready. I have to respect that. He grabbed a pair of black jeans. A Robin shirt that read 'Get Traught or Get Dead' I thought that was cute.

He put a on a NIghtwing hoodie that said 'Get Traught and Crash the Mode.' This guy is cut with his comic book opsession. I thought. He put on a pair of bright blue converse.

"I'm ready. Where do you wanna go?" I looked at him blankly. Then, I realized he wanted to go somewhere to talk. So I put on my baby blue jeans. My black winter boots, which I basically where all the time. Then, my red and yellow shirt and my orange hoodie.

"Bruce, Alfred, Wally and I are going for a walk." Dick said as we walked down the stairs. "All right be back by 9:00, okay?" Bruce said back. Dick just smiled and said "yep." I looked at him and I said "lets go!'


Dick and I decided on going to Gotham park. When we got there I slowly pushed my hand by Dick's hand so I could hold it. He gladly held mine back. A few mintues later and he leaned his head on my shoulder.

We walked by a group of girls and they gawked at us and said 'aww' and one girl ran away. I didn't know why, but it was strange.

Dick and I walked over to a park bench and sat down. I looked at him and said "look what happened in your bedroom. I'm sorry its jus-" "Look i get. Your were horny. Your hormones acted up. I know what thats like. So maybe I should help you with that." Dick said. Also cutting me off. Just gonna get that out there.

Did he just say he was okay with having sex with me? I thought. "Did you just say you wanted to have sex with me?" I asked him cautiously. "No. I, however, have somethings that could help with your hormones." He replied. "Oh." I said smiling at him.

"Then, lets get home." Dick said standing up. "Yea, its almost 9:00." I said and I grabbed his hands in mine. we started off towards the Wayne Manor.


We walked in and bumped into Bruce. "Oh, sorry, Dick" Bruce said. "Look I have to go to work till late and Alfred as the night off. Can you two boys take of yourselves?" We merely nodded. "Okay, Wally don't worry I called Barry and told him you were spending the night." Bruce said. This only made me happier. With said Bruce walked out the door.

"So home alone tonight?" I said with a very seductive face on. Dick took my hands and placed them on his waist. Then, he put his arms around my neck. We both kissed. It felt amazing. Dick and I both pulled off our hoodies. Before we started kissing again I asked dick "why do you like Robin and Nightwing so much?' "Because my mom named me after Richard the first Robin. He grew up to become Nightwing. So their kinda my hereos." He answered.

"cool. So, how 'bout now we take our shirts off?" I said or asked. "And our shoes? I'd like to be comfy." Dick said. we both took off our shirts and shoes. Right after dick was done I pushed him on the couch and started kissing him aggressively. He kissed back, but not with much force.

I started grinding on him. He let a small moan exit his lips. "Dick, you got to make more noises or I'll hurt you. Not in a bad way in a pleasurably." I whispered in his ear. I grind against him harder and harder. "Wait, stop." He said. I stopped and looked at him.

"Why? Is something wrong."I asked. "Yea this just doesn't asterous." He replied. I climbed off of him and rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry." I said smirking. I knew it wasn't the best thing to say, but still got him to smile,. "I've never done that before" he stated. I was dumbfolded, but realized something. "you never truly told me why you cut." I said at that he winced.

"Because, I guess, I was bulli-'' he didn't get to finish his sentence. "Bullied? Bullied by who?!?" I said angrily. "Logan, Logan  Frasch." Him? Even I hated him. And I was pretty dam popular. "don't worry I won't let him hurt you." I said soothingly. Soon Dick got up and got a blanket and couple of pillows for us. After a couple of mintues Dick was asleep. I kissed his forehead and said "I love you." Soon I was asleep.


It was about nine thirty when they fell asleep so don't ask about the time.

I woke at 2:00am. There was a knock at the door. I didn't care. Soon I heard a door opening. Then, abunch of things falling and a loud gasped. I looked up to see non other then...



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