Chapter 9

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After Aizawa filled me in on what we were doing next, we got on the bus. Uraraka and Mina had already sat together so I couldn't sit with them. All the seats were taken besides the one beside Bakugo and Todoroki. Todoroki was looking out the window so I decided to sit with Bakugo. I regretted it as soon as I did. "Oi!! What are you doing?" he asked annoyed. "Well there weren't many seats left and yours was the closest so sorry," I explained. "Hmph." I rolled my eyes then added, "You never said hi to me when I came in. Did you not miss me?" I asked not expecting him to answer. "Why would I care?! You're just another extra to distract me!" he responded. I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I'm a distraction?" I smirked seductively. I was picking on him because he was fun to mess with. I saw the blush on his face but quickly went away when he said, "Not like that moron!". I laughed this was going to be an interesting ride. Right before the bus started moving he asked for us to switch seats, I said sure and took my seat besides the window. At first he made sure there was a foot of space between us, but I swore he kept scooting closer and closer. I stared out the window watching the cars go by when suddenly the bus hit a bump and everyone was thrown up. When we landed on the seats again, I was sitting on Bakugo's lap with my hands on his chest, our lips were pushed together. I shot up and jumped to the seat beside the window as I said, "Ah! Sorry!". I couldn't stop my face from turning bright red as I felt heat rush to my face. I turned towards the window trying to hide behind my curly hair. I was surprised when he didn't say anything.

Bakugo's POV

I couldn't stop staring at her on the bus ride to the off-campus site. She looked so different from the first time I saw her, her eyes were brighter blue, her hair seemed curlier and her face seemed brighter. She looked so beautiful, almost stunning. -What are you thinking Bakugo?!! She's just another extra!! Right?- I couldn't hold back the blush so I was thankful her eyes were hidden by her hair. Just as I looked at her again the bus suddenly went over a large bump. Everyone shot up, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again Aurelia was on my lap with her hands on my chest, our lips smashed together. She opened her eyes too. When she did, she shot up and jumped back to her seat. She hid her face but not before I saw her blush, "Ah! Sorry!". I looked away quickly feeling heat rush to my cheeks. I couldn't stop the feeling of desire wishing that would happen again, or that it lasted longer. -what the hell Bakugo??!! Get it together!!- I thought to myself. I then answered my thought from before, she's more than an extra. I couldn't help the slight flutter of my chest thinking about her, -what is she doing to me????- I wanted to smack myself in the face but it would have been too obvious. Just as I was about to look at her again I felt the bus slow down as we pulled up next to the training facility. It looked like a giant dome, -This is going to be interesting-.

Aurelia's POV

We pulled up next to a giant dome looking facility, as we did Aizawa said, "We're here everyone, make your way off the bus in an orderly fashion and meet me at the entrance." As he said this everyone moved off the bus. We made our way to the entrance, I ran to catch up with Uraraka and Mina. We stopped as we got to Aizawa and another hero I didn't recognize, she looked like an astronaut, with her costume. But as I looked at the detail of it, I started to wonder if it was a costume after all. "Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!!" she said. "It's the space hero Thirteen!" Izuku said, I nodded my head in acknowledgement. -That explains it- I thought as she continued. "I can't wait to show you what's inside!". "This is going to be awesome!" everyone said as we followed her inside. "Holy crap! This looks like some kind of amusement park!" Kirishima said. I laughed, I had never been to one of those. "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc," Thirteen explained pointing to all the different setups. I laughed to myself, I could literally fix all of these. "I created this training facility to teach you guys how to deal with different types of disasters!" she said. I looked around the place, I had to admit it was really cool looking. "I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ for short." -What a strange name- I thought to myself. "Wait shouldn't All Might be here already? Let me guess he scheduled an interview instead," Aizawa said with a cold tone. Thirteen came up beside Aizawa's ear and told him something, she also held up three fingers. -Huh, wonder what that's all about- I wondered. Then Aizawa said something that I couldn't hear. He looked off in thought, -I wonder what's going on-. I had been gone only two weeks, and I already felt out of the loop. "Clocks ticking, we should get started," he said. "Excellent! Before we begin let me just say one thing, well maybe two things, or maybe three or four, possibly five-" Thirteen expressed. "We get it!" everyone said, including myself. "Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk. It's called black-hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust," She explained holding up her fingers. "Yeah! You've used it to save people from all kinds of disasters!" Izuku interrupted. Uraraka nodded her head enthusiastically as he spoke. "That's true, but my quirk can very easily be used to kill. Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous," she said solemnly. "In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and quarterly regulated. So we often overlook how dangerous they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly, even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness test, you have a solid idea of your quirks potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against people. Carry those lessons to this class, today you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or even each other, only to help. After all, that's what's being a hero is all about, ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say, thank you so much for listening," Thirteen explained. Everyone cheered loudly when she was finished. "Right, now that that's over," Aizawa said pointing towards the arena. As he did, the lights at the top of the dome started going out, Wait was that planned???- I wondered to myself. Everyone gasped as the lights went out completely and the water from the fountain in the middle started flickering. I could feel that this wasn't planned and something bad was about to happen. Suddenly the water warped into a circle as a purple portal started spawning. What the heck?- I was exasperated, this was going to be bad. Aizawa noticed and yelled, "Stay together and don't move!" Everyone gasped as he yelled, "Thirteen protect the students!-". "Woah what is that thing??!!" Kirishima asked, I could sense the fear in his voice. Suddenly the portal got bigger and weird, creepy looking people started coming out of it. "Wait has the training started already?? I thought we were rescuing people!!" Kirishima exclaimed, I wanted to smack him so hard but I resisted. We all started moving towards them but Aizawa fussed, "Stay back!". That voice scares me, He only uses that when he's frightened-. I was the only one who noticed his change of voice. "This is real, those are villains." More and more villains started leaving the portal, "This is a like a gosh darn army. They prepared for this." I muttered that more to myself but Uraraka, Mina, Izuku, and Kirishima all looked at me. I ignored their expressions watching the villains movements. Aizawa can't beat them on his own! They'll kill him, he's used to stealth attacks and one on one battles. He wasn't trained for group attacks!- I thought to myself. "Real villains no way! How could this many of them get into a UA facility this secure?!" Kirishima said. Momo came up beside us, "Yeah Thirteen! Why aren't the alarms going off?!". "Good question, but I'm not sure," she replied as we all looked above the entrance to where the security was put. They gasped at her uncertainty. Todoroki came up beside me, "Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entrance at the time when a class is being taught. They are fools for trespassing here, but they thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?". Everyone gasped, he said exactly what I was thinking. "Thirteen, get them out of here, and alert the main campus. Actually if they've got the ability to block their sensors, then they might be blocking our regular communications too. Kaminari try using your quirk to contact the school," Aizawa stated. "Yes sir," Kaminari muttered. "What are you going to do??!! You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of 'em, even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style is not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights," Izuku expressed my earlier concerns. "That's not gonna help with a group," Izuku finished. I could sense Aizawa's glare underneath his glasses as he said, "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick. I'll leave you Thirteen." As he finished his sentence he took off towards the crowd of villains. Before I could think things through I went after him spawning Maara and making an ice slide following him. As I was sliding I heard Thirteen yell, "Hey!! What are you doing??!!". I yelled back, "My quirk is stronger than anyone's here, I'll help him! Get the others to safety." What the heck am I thinking?? He's gonna kill me! Oh well, I'm not going to just sit back and watch- I thought to myself as I caught up with Aizawa quickly. I commanded Maara to her large form and she was right along with me. "What the hell are you doing kid?!" Aizawa said as we were about to reach the villains. "Your surprise trick! Plus I'm stronger now that I have my full power," I smirked at his annoyed expression, but for a moment I could sense his gratitude. We reached the villains, Aizawa took off to the right to clear those so I took to the left. Maara followed in step, within seconds we were circled. This looked like a large crowd from up there but from down here it looks like a stupid festival- I thought to myself as I scanned the villains surrounding me. "Why the heck would they send a kid down here! They're stupid! She'll be dead within seconds!" one of the voices said. "But wait what about that wolf! It's huge! It has to be her quirk because it wasn't there before they started running down here". They chatted this all, really quickly, all the while getting closer and closer. Maara took defense and growled and snapped at anyone within reach. She wouldn't do anything without a command and I knew she was waiting, her patience running thin. Before I could think of a plan one of the villains lunged forward. Maara felt my emotion of anxiety and lunged to protect me. She landed on top of the villain and began ripping him to streads. I could hear his screams as I dodged the next hit. They began to attack multiple at a time, just as one almost hit me, I chose ice and fire power and turned the same villain that said "she'll be dead within seconds"  to dry ice. He died immediately. Dry ice was one of my strongest moves, the human body starts going through hypothermia at 70 degrees fahrenheit, with my dry ice temperatures reaching at about -109.3 degrees fahrenheit. The villains around me immediately backed up. I smiled wickedly as I said, "Dead within seconds right? Oh right that was supposed to be me," I said nonchalantly. Their faces flickered for a moment before they began to charge again. I could feel Maara's presence as she leapt over the villains and landed beside me. I sent her to my back as the villains charged again. She viciously attacked the villains that charged towards her. A villain leapt for my hands, I moved my hand just in time to get out of the way but still touched them with the tip of my pinky finger. He screamed out in pain as he was burned brutally by the lava I let out. Once it killed him I cleared the lava instantly. Several villains dared to make the next move. I anticipated this as one went for my leg, I froze his body to the ground. Another went for my arms. I leapt back and created a water current to drown them. The next villain tried to go for my head, I ducked then dove for the floor as another one tried to grab my feet. I landed and rolled back up to a standing position. Along the way I had tipped both villains completely with ice, freezing them to the spot. I felt Maara getting overpowered so I did a half-leap half-cartwheel to her kicking two villains off her. Their faces melted off as I went for the next villains. One villain had themselves wrapped around Maara's nose, suffocating her. I growled in frustration for hurting her as I turned his body to liquid nitrogen. I kicked his stomach shattering his body to splinters. I dove underneath Maara to get the villains attached to her legs, as I came up two villains surprised me and one hit my back while the other smacked my head. I turned the villains attached to her leg to a lava mess. I took it up to keep it from touching Maara. The villains that hit me before went again, but I caught one's hand and turned him to dry ice. The other went for my left side as I grabbed his leg and turned him to flames. After I helped Maara free herself the next villains struck, before they touched me I turned the floor underneath them to packed ice, as it krept up their bodies I said, "I'll let you suffer slowly, since your friends hurt my wolf." I glared at them as they cried out. Within seconds villains surrounded us on all sides, making their way around us. They started coming very close, like five yards away. They created a strategy as they came for Maara and I at once. I knew this was going to end badly as some of the villains seemed to have dangerous quirks. Just as they attacked Maara, I heard her scream out in pain. In my few moments of hesitation, they surrounded me on all sides and started landing blows left and right. I could feel the different areas of pain and I could sense Maara's. I was too close to her to use fire so I switched that hand to air power. Using it quickly I put my hands next to each other and created a giant frozen windstorm in my hands then threw it on the ground. It pushed all the villains away with such force they flew back. The ice sped up their bodies as they were frozen to the ground. The only thing free were their faces. I could feel cuts and bruises on my sides, I looked at Maara, she had a large puddle of blood coming from her opposite side. "Dang it! I couldn't even keep you safe!" I exclaimed as I saw the blood dripping. I ran around to that side and held back a gasp as I saw a large cut along her side. She whimpered as she held up her paw. One of the villains broke it. My eyes flared as I used my nature abilities to cover up her cut to stop the bleeding. I turned around at the frozen villains. The ice was making their way up their face slowly, but I could see the frozen sword that hurt my precious Maara. It looked like it had been frozen in time, blood was frozen dripping from it. As I ran over to the villain who had the smirk on his face I took Maara as her tattoo. I stared at him with fury in my eyes. "S-s-shouldn't h-have u-u-underestimated u-us," he said as his teeth chattered. "You'll pay for this you stupid villain, you can't even talk," I snarled as I reach for his sword and flicked it. It shattered to pieces beside him. I then grabbed his arm and tore it off. It came off easily as the ice was surrounding it. He cried out in pain from the torn limb, as I created an ice shard. I stuck in right down the middle of his body. He cried out in pain as I kicked his body. He fell back and died instantly. I looked at the other villains as I said this, "Which one of you is next?".

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