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I knew I wouldn't be able to run away. Father would hear my bedroom door creak open before I was even out of it, and there was no way to unlock the front door quietly. Besides that, Brayden was out for a 'bro night' with his friends. I was pretty sure he was with Reece, and he could come home at any time and bust me. And, even with all of the problems, cracks, and shaking involved in the foundation of the family, they were still my family. But for my happiness, I needed to get out of this kingdom.

I packed a bag with the bare essentials; toothpaste, a change of clothes, and a toothbrush. I didn't know how or when I would be leaving, so I decided that I had to pack a bag just in case. I did know, however, that I needed to leave in the next two weeks. Even after a man claims me, I live with my parents for a year afterwards. I wouldn't have to leave in the next year if I knew my parents wouldn't be watching me like a hawk so I didn't slip up and ruin my supposed 'marriage betrothal'.

It disgusted me.

Even then, I knew that I would have to be ready. Tomorrow, I would steal the book, and finish it. If I could actually perform magic like the book said, I had a smidge of a chance at leaving town and never coming back. There were other towns in Floricea, they just weren't part of the capital town. My family wouldn't miss me; my mother might but she wouldn't say anything, just slowly get over it. My brother and father would handle it pretty much the same: no emotions, just moving on. They both lived their lives as chapters. Someone leaving would only start the next chapter in their lives. But at least Brayden was kind. 

Finished packing and satisfied with what I completed, I slipped out of my work clothes and into a soft silk nightgown. I fell back onto my bed with a sigh, thinking about running away with only my wims and a small bag of things I might need. All I could hope for was that I didn't get caught using magic, and that I could get out of here in time.

But for now, I needed a good, deep sleep.


The next morning, I sluggishly walked through my routine. It was the end of the week, and that meant I would be claimed next week. I was sluggish because I was tired, I was angry because of the claiming. But then again, I'm not a morning person.

"Pumpkin, are you okay?" concern laced my mother's voice while she addressed me, but I wasn't buying it.

"Fine. I'm only being sold off to marriage next week. I'm peachy," I responded, flipping the blueberry pancakes on the pan.

"Young lady! I know you're going through a lot lately, but that is no way to talk to your own mother! I remember when I went through this and your father was the only man who would take me. I don't want that to happen with you, and in order for that to be a reality, your father is right. You need to act like the perfect woman so that a good man will chose you."

"Mother," I sighed, "you're not getting it because you don't like it! Listen to me, please! I don't want to be a wife! I'm a sixteen year old girl who has so much more life to live! I want to be free and explore before I settle down, if I even decide to settle down. I am not some girl who will just roll over and give up the rest of my life to fit into the groves of society. A young woman might have to be a housewife, but this woman wants to have a life. Not one as a housewife or a model wife, but as a writer, reader, maybe even explorer!" I threw my hands up in the air in exaggeration. I wasn't getting through to her, and this was my final hurrah. If this didn't work, I was going to resort to the book, and I wasn't coming back.

"I understand, pumpkin," mother said finally in the silence that followed my rant, "I was once like you; independently minded, not caring what other people thought..."

"So what happened?" I demanded. "What happened to the mother that thought the world of the world and wanted to follow her dreams?"

"My mother," she sighed, "but in order for you to have a good life with a honorable husband that can take care of you and make you happy I have to be like this. And eyes on the pancakes." 

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