Never Give Up

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Mark 11:22
Romans 12:12
2 Corinthians 5:7

I just received news that my good friend has been admitted back into the hospital. I have a friend who has been in and out of the hospital for a while now. She has some problems in her stomach and colon and on top of that, she has diabetes. I can't tell you her name, but she has been going through these problems for a long time now. Again and again my church, my family, her family, and I have prayed for her health endlessly. It seems like everytime she gets better, though, she starts to get sick again. But, this does not stop me and the others who pray for her. I have complete faith that in the name of Jesus, if it be his will, she will be healed. She is fighting this battle as her testimony for God and his kingdom. I will always continue to pray for her because I know that God has not given up on her. If God has not given up on her, then I shouldn't either. See, even in the hardest times we need to have faith in our God. He ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, comes through. Whether it be the way we want it to be, or the way we don't want it. God will follow his will for our lives, and although it may not always look like the right thing, God has it in his hands. Even though my friend is still battling with this sickness, I know that God has it in his hands. He knows what is best because he is much wiser than me and all others on this planet. I will again continue to pray for her and for others who I still have needs for. I am telling you this today to tell you that you should never stop praying to and worshipping our God. Even when times seem so low, we must keep our faith in God. He holds everything in his hands and he will take care of the situation the way he wants to. So, I tell you, never give up on God because he will NEVER give up on you.

Please pray for my dear friend that God would heal her if it be his will. Thank you for the prayers.

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