So Far Apart

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Hiiii! I liked how you did the road trip one shot and was wondering if you could do a request for Charlie Gillespie where the reader and Charlie are dating but have been living in different states due to COVID and the boys do an Instagram live and the reader wants to be on the live with them and Charlie gets so excited and it's fluffy?

Hiiii! I  liked how you did the road trip one shot and was wondering if you could  do a request for Charlie Gillespie where the reader and Charlie are  dating but have been living in different states due to COVID and the  boys do an Instagram live...

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A/N: ofc i can! Thank you so much, hope you like it :) I will proof read it tomorrow.

Words: 1.5k


Tiredness was your new default state. College alone was stressful and hard enough plus it didn't help that you had to do it online from your little NY apartment that you shared with three other roommates. But you had too. You were in your last semester ever! That was motivation enough to pull through.

Currently, you were trying to facetime your boyfriend Charlie. You haven't seen him in about four months but if someone would ask your roommates, they would say it felt like an eternity of you moaning and pouting about not seeing him. When COVID started, the two of you seriously debated about moving in together. However, at that time, your classes were not online yet and you couldn't move away, he also couldn't move to New York with you because he still had meetings with the JATP Cast.

You stared at your ringing phone, desperate to hear his voice. You knew that he should be awake, you had the time zones imprinted on your brain.

Sorry babe, have a meeting in 5... Will call you after okay? <3 the message that just popped up on your screen made you frown a little. You weren't mad, you just had a really awful week and missed him like crazy.

Sure thing <3 you texted back and threw the phone onto your bed. Deciding that instead of waiting for him to call back, you could use the time usefully and start studying for your next test in two days.

It was an hour later, you were completely engrossed in the textbook, so you barely heard the ringing of your phone. Maybe a bit too quick, you tossed all your books to the ground and launched yourself on the bed to find your phone.

His pretty face filled your screen "Heyyy!" "Hello, beautiful!" You two grinned at each other.

"How are–" A knocking on your door interrupted your question. "Yes?" The door opened and revealed one of your roommates, Alexis, with a sheepish look on her face "I'm really sorry to interrupt but Tara just broke off with her boyfriend and she needs a hug."

You looked up at your red-haired friend "She broke up with Tom?!" Alexis nodded "It's an emergency" she claimed. Charlie understood this as his clue to end the call saying a quick goodbye and a don't worry about it when you shot him an apologetic look.

This is how it went nearly every time. Something always came up, either you were studying non-stop and he didn't want to distract you or he had actor things and meetings going on. It was truly tiring. The last time you really had the opportunity to facetime was a couple of weeks ago and even then you fell asleep inert 15minutes. When Charlie accidentally lulled you to sleep with a song he's been working on.

Charlie Gillespie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now