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"Hello hello and welcome back!" you told the camera propped up on one of your kitchen counters. The shot showing your tired face and loose pyjamas. A yawn escaped your slightly chapped lips as you tried to stretch the sleep away. Your eyes were heavy, your hair standing up in every possible direction, your body not fully awake yet.

"A lot of people asked for a little day to day vlog with the Gillespies," you muttered as you made yourself a cup of coffee, the sparkling ring on your left ring finger very prominent in the shot.

"So we try to deliver! I just woke up a couple of minutes ago so excuse the light grogginess and don't know where my fiance is. Seems like you guys have to put up with only me for a bit." you chuckled and poured milk into the steaming hot beverage.

"Sadly, we really don't have a lot to do today, well not much is planned..." you referred to the normal chaos a day with Charlie entailed. "We just need to run some errands, but I have a gut feeling that today will be a good one."

You ended the clip and moved into your living room to turn up the radio. Ever since you were little, there was always some sort of music softly playing and therefore you hated a quiet house. It wasn't like you paid attention to the songs dancing through the air but the constant rumbling of background noise calms you down.

A little yellow piece of paper on the coffee table catches your eye. With furrowed eyebrows, you made your way over. Your eyes grew as you recognized Charlie's messy handwriting. Once again, you started a clip on your camera.

"I just found a secret message from Charlie on our coffee table." you cleared your throat and started reading the note dramatically "'Good morning Toots! I'm on a run and didn't want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful. I'll bring coffee from Allie's. I love you, C Swizzle'" you grinned at the note, your heart beating faster with the love you have for him. "Hereby I declare the mystery where C Swizzle aka Char is as solved! I'm so hyped for the coffee. Allie's is our favourite place in the whole city! Seriously if you're close by go and try it. So worth it. Now, until he's back I'm gonna answer some emails and do our dishes from yesterday evening. You're welcome to join me while I jam out to music."

You propped the camera up on a shelf, filming yourself working for a bit. Then you went to the kitchen and turned up the music blaring out of the speakers you set up mere moments before. "Whenever I walk in the room. All the focus on me. The way I talk, the way I move. They all want on my team. Not tryin' to brag, brag, but I'm flawless." screaming on the top of your lungs, you swayed your hips while the water from your tap filled the sink, the soap starting to bubble up.

"I'm taking over your playlist. Ain't perfect, but I can't miss, yeah. The party don't start 'til I walk in. I'm stealing all the attention. Don't get me started on mentions, yeah" A poor spoon had to be a placeholder microphone as you jumped through the small kitchen. Genuinely engulfed in the music, you didn't even hear the front door open and close. You didn't hear the footsteps walking towards you or the light chuckle that escaped the person's lips.

Charlie Gillespie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now