Give Me Attention

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Most of the time if someone asked how living with Charlie went you answered with 'great, literally so amazing, he brings a smile to my face every day. And you meant it, at least most of the time. You loved the way he was awake long before you even dare to open your eyes and the fact that because of that there was always a freshly made coffee just waiting for you on the counter. You loved the way that he danced in the kitchen with you while he cooked dinner and the way the bedsheets always smelled like him. Yet, you weren't gonna lie, especially the first couple of corona moths have taken a little toll on your relationship.

"Charlie, do you have to rehearse your lines in the living room?" you asked irritated, crossing your legs under the kitchen table you currently sat at.

"But here I have the most space to move around. I gotta move around. You also said that we can go over our lines together." he whined from the living room. At this moment you cursed the fact that you had moved into an apartment with a connected kitchen and living room. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was, especially when you had friends over, but right now it was only trouble.

"I know babe, but I have this essay due tomorrow and I haven't had the chance to start because we've been on set and in so many meetings."

"Then you work somewhere else?"

"This is the only room with a table!" you protested, gesturing to the table your school books, notes and laptop were scattered on.

"You chose to pursue acting and finish your degree!" he shot back, getting worked up over this simple thing. The hurt flashed in your eyes making him instantly regret his words.

"I'm sorry that my education is important to me Charlie and that I wanted to finish my last one and a half years at College." You stood up and grabbed your things "Have fun running your lines." Charlie only heard the bedroom door slam shut and winced at the sound.

He knew better than to immediately run after you, so he waited about ten minutes before approaching. He knocked on the door and leaned on the doorframe. "Baby come back out. I'm sorry. It's just...I had a bad day, couldn't remember any of my lines, and even though we live together I feel like we rarely see each other... both so busy with the show and I... I don't know, I let my frustration out on you."

The door opened and you hugged him tightly "I'm sorry as well. I could've just worn headphones. I'm stressed and let it out on you as well. I'm so sorry." you muttered into his chest.

Charlie kissed your head and asked, "Can I help you with College stuff?"

Arguments like these happened a lot during the starting months of the pandemic. Both of you stressed and tired, basically working your asses off and still trying to be caring for one another. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but after a storm of an argument, the clouds faded away and the sun came back out.

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