The Arrival

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It was Sunday Morning. I had woken up early to write somethings down in my journal. I love keeping journals. I have kept one since I was eight years.

My journal was my most personal belonging. It was not be shared. That was where I wrote down all my crazy thoughts and experiences like the one am about to undergo. I called it 'my freedom experience '.

When I was done, i showered and got dressed and headed to have breakfast. Hauwa was already sitted there. She had told me the previous night that it was necessary to call a meeting of all the staffs and securities and address them. I agreed with her and we decided to do that immediately after breakfast.

Breakfast was poached eggs, bread and oats.
"I dont eat oats I said with a frown as I pushed the bowl away.

"I'm sorry your highness," the cook apologized.
Now that is one of the things we need to address in this meeting -My likes and dislikes, my allergies, dishes and others.

"Make me a cup of tea instead I told her looking at Hauwa who was happily chewing on her bread and eggs.

Her eyes met mine and she smiled "how did you sleep?"

"Awesome I smiled back at her, though the ac in my room seemed to be over working, I even tried reducing it but to no avail."

"I"ll have it checked your highnes" the other help said.

So basically they were standing by the dining while we ate. That's how it's always been done back home in Sokoto.

But these are the things I didnt want again here. Probably I'll also address them.

After we were done eating, I and Hauwa met in her room to draw up an agenda for our meeting and itemized the dog's and donts'.

Everyone was already in the living room when we came in though they were all standing.
"Sit" Hauwa instructed them and they all sat down.

"Good morning to all of you" I greeted them. Before we begin this meeting, I'ld love everyone to do an introduction of themselves for ease of identification. So I"ll start from my right." I gestured to the lady there.

They introduced themselves as Rhoda, Lydia, Fatima, Hassan, Brutus, Joseph, Obed, Ahmed and EnoObong.

Rhoda and Lydia were the domestic staffs, Eno was the cook while Obed was the driver. The others were the mopol securities.

Afterwards, we began the meeting telling them what and what will be tolerated and allowed and vice versa.

"First and foremost, let everybody address me as Miss Jade and Hauwa as Miss Lois. Drop every act of your highness. I warned sternly. "Secondly, no more standing by or around the dining table whenever we're eating. Thirdly, I have dropped a list of everything I eat,drink and snack on. So make a pick from there when preparing any food for me, as for Lois, she eats everything. I paused and looked their faces. Some of them were jotting down. Fourthly, our rooms should only be cleaned when we're home.

"Fifth" Hauwa continued "Gossips and side talks will not be tolerated, so if you have anything to say to us, rather than talk behind our back you better come and say it. and the least but not the last because as events begin to unfold, the list will be added to. Nothing and I repeat nothing that happens here should leave here.

"In other words, I cut in with a smile spread across my face "What happens in Rome stays in Rome, understood"

"Yes" they answered in unison. "Your dismissed" I told them and they all walked out to their duty posts.

"Now that was not so hard", Hauwa chuckled.

"Yea it wasnt. Let's just watch them. It might take them a while to adjust considering all they were told."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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