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The next morning, after observing our early morning prayers. As we sat down in the living room, Alhaji Tanko Suleiman, my father started a very lengthy lecture of moral and family bond.

He first addressed us generally as a family before concentrating on me since I was the one leaving for school that day.

He advised me and stressed on the need of being myself. Being the good girl I've always been and more importantly keep making them proud.

"Rahama, for nineteen good years, I have watched you grow from this little girl into this beautiful lady you are today. I know its seems that we disappointed you but please forgive us. At a certain time, you would come to understand that what we did was for your best interest".

He paused to adjust his glasses, or so I thought. Wait- my dad was tearing up. Wow, I could not hold in the feelings of seeing my father shed tears just because I was going away to school.

"Rahama my daughter" he looked at me intently again and I just flashed a smile. "Promise this family this day that you will never bring shame to us. That you will focus on the reason why you're there and never forget whose family child you are". He uttered strongly as everyone turned to look at me for a response of 'yes baba I promise'.

Like, they were seriously wanting me to make that promise. It's not like they were sending me off for me to transform suddenly like I was some stupid vampire or werewolf.

I thought about my dads words and the grams they weighed. He was obviously a man of many words. Why couldnt I just make the damn stupid promise so that this mini conference will come to an end.

I was beginning to get impatient and tired of it anyways. But why was I hesitant. Maybe a part of me was thinking it wasnt just an ordinary promise, probably it was one that will interfere with the freedom that I was barely hours away from enjoying.

"Ama", my mother called out softly, "we are waiting for you to say something, remember your flight is in less than five hours".

I scanned through the room looking at the faces of all that sat there. What was it with them and the curious look on their faces including Jamil my brother gave me this annoying smile.

It's not like I was going away to fall in love or maybe get pregnant for an idiot or better still become a cultist or a murderer.

Ahhhhhhhhhh...... I screamed in my head. What was I supposed to do. I have longed for this freedom for like forever to jeopardize it over one stupid promise.

I was literally getting mad and pissed off at the same time. My body language and composure had changed and I believed they all noticed it.

Then my father growled viciously "For Allah's sake, Rahama, make the goddamn promise" causing me to quiver on my seat.

I almost snapped back at him but then I relented. Everyone knew me as the obedient, respectful, timid, shy and naive Rahama. No one knew the rebellious, crazy, no-nonsense Rahama and I preferred it that way.

One more thing, promises made in my family especially in auspicious occasions like this were held very sacred. That if broken, the repercussions were deadly.

Apparently, I knew all of these. That was why it was difficult to make the promise. So I just sat down there with an expressionless face. While thinking of a subtle plan to come up with.

It seemed many persons were taking trips this weekend because the airport looked jam packed. I walked in with Rahim and Jamal pulling my suitcases after them.

My flight was for 3pm so I got here an hour earlier wearing a blue Jean trouser with a white cold shoulder top and a pair of blue denim snickers. My hair was wrapped into a ponytail.
I had a sweater ontop of right shoulders.

I used my eyes to search for Hauwa amongst the crowd of people because she had much earlier.

"Where is Hauwa?" Jamal asked me.

"I cant seem to find her. Let me call her,perhaps she would tell me where she is." I said dialling Hauwa's number.

After hanging up, I informed them where she was and we headed in that direction. Once Hauwa sighted me, she sprinted forward and pulled me into a hug.

"You look great. She admired me roaming her eyes over my body.

"You too" I said complementing the black and yellow katana she wore.

Rahim pulled me into a hug as they prepared to take their leave. "Rahama, please" he held my face in his hands "dont forget who you are and I'm very sorry about yesterday" he apologized. "Call me when you land".

I sighed softly. "Its alright Rahim, thank you for being there for me" then I hugged him again before pulling away.

"Be a good girl princess" Jamal whispered into my ears before they began walking away.

Jamal and Rahim were best friends. Rahim was in the military. His father was the country's chief of army defense. I knew Rahim liked me very much, he was ok but I didnt like him the same way. He even took me school shopping and transferred about a million naira to my account for upkeep. He was very generous.

"Rahama, let's go check in" Hauwa said as we grabbed onto our luggage and headed to the counter. An hour later we had boarded and the plane took off. It was a two hours thirty minutes flight time from Sokoto to Port Harcourt.

We arrived the Port Harcourt international Airport at exactly 5pm and went to get our luggages. Our car with the driver and the security aids were already there.

"You're welcome your highness,"they greeted me bowing in unison before taking our boxes and putting them in the car as we got in.

As soon as we were seated, I called my mother and Rahim to inform them of my arrival while Hauwa also informed her family as the car drove out of the airport.

This was my first time in the city of Port Harcourt. It was indeed the garden city. I dont know why I had chosen to attend the University of Port Harcourt after my parents disappointed me. I would had easily picked the University of Ibadan but Port Harcourt was calling onto me.

I couldnt wait to enjoy my freedom and explore the beautiful city.

Finally we drove into a very beautiful compound that had a gigantic gate. There were about four armed soldiers at the gate.

My father and Hauwas's father had really worked very hard to organize all of this.

"Wow, we both exclaimed when we got into the house. Two ladies which I have been told will be our domestic help came out. They greeted us and carried our luggages sting them into our different rooms.

The house was very big with five bedrooms and a very comfortable and well decorated living room. We moved around, fling open every door to reveal the inside. I really wanted to live like every normal student on campus but my father forbade me to do so.

That was why they got me this house with helps and security. He said "Rahama, all you need to do is to read, study, and keep reading".

We had dinner then I showered and changed into a pyjamas. I sat in the living room flipping through channels when Hauwa joined me.

"Let's watch African Magic Urban channel 155", she pleaded. I threw the remote at her and she tuned to it. Aftet watching lots of drama, we were both feeling sleepy and decided to retire to bed.

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