The Party

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Those thoughts and feelings you get when your family feels very proud of you that they expect so much from you.

That feeling brings about unnecessary pressure and places so much burden on ones shoulders.

Then you see yourself without choice but to shoulder it. That was exactly what I had faced for nineteen good years of my life.

It was like I was a favourite child but apparently nothing of such. We were just two children; I and my elder brother Jamil.

But my own case was usually different. My brother was always given the free hand to do whatever he wants without paying much attention to his status, class, or the family he came from.

Even up to his education, he wasnt
homeschooled but I was, with the flimsy reason that the girl child was not meant to attend schools back then; whether private or public. It was like a taboo.

But when it came to me, paying attention to details were very important. Not that I never liked it back then, besides I was entitled to two ladies-in-waitng, two personal body guards among others.

But right now, the whole royalty living was getting tiring and sometimes making me feel choked up.

It was like I had no life of my own probably because I was living someone else's life, perhaps my parents.

So all I wanted was some freedom that was why I eagerly wanted to travel across the oceans to further my education. But my parents, insisted I had to choose a good public university in the country instead.

Ever since the breakout of this news, I had been so mad at my parents for breaking the promise they made to me ten years ago.

I had remained moody and unhappy. They had sent several uncles, aunties even friends to come convince me in changing my mind.

But whether i changed my mind or not, once my father has taken a decision on your matter, it was final.

So as i sat on one of the swings in the courtyard thinking about my precious life, all these thoughts rummaged my head.

Since I had no option, i had to choose one of the public universities because soon, everything was going to change.

I kept pondering till I heard Hauwa's voice approaching the garden.

"Hey Rahama, been looking everywhere for you. Are you alright she asked sitting beside me".

"Hauwa, honestly am not. I dont know why things about me are always different?"

She put her hands on my shoulders. "Rahama, if it's about the school, then I support your parents on that. See, I think they just want the best for you".

"Have they also bribed you to come talk to me because clearly, that's what they've done to everyone who I've had audience with recently".

"Your parents never told me anything, besides if it will make you feel better, I've got good news" she said excited.

I chuckled. "What's the good news, - no wait. They've finally found a suitor for you?"

"Haba, Rahama. Did I tell you I wanted to settle down. No. I will be attending the same school with you".

"What" I screamed out of excitement, jumping down from the swing almost hurting myself.

"Are you serious Hauwa, please dont play with my emotions" I begged her as I stood in disbelief.

Hauwa kept laughing "Why would I joke with something like this. Am damn serious".

"How did it happen then?" I asked her curious.

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