School AU

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Asta's the really popular athlete who blends in with everyone pretty well. Everybody kind of knows his name. He's the kid who leaves his friends at lunch to sit with the new kid on their first day. Asta is a runningback in football and no one can change my mind.


Yuno's the mysterious loner who all the girls kind of think about. Only few would outright flirt with him, but he mainly only hangs out Mimosa and Klaus. Secretly best friends with Asta from his rival school. I can definitely see Yuno as a swimmer.


Normally really smart, but gets test anxiety and fails all of her tests. She breaks down easily and her older siblings and their friends' tend to pick on her a lot. However, Noelle is friends with a few upperclassmen who comfort her and invite her to hang out, so that always makes her feel better.


The ultimate Detention's Kid. He's in and out of the principal's office every day for pulling stupid pranks with Magna. Luck's a straight C's student, but somehow none of the teachers bothered to help him. Is 100% in the soccer club, but practically a god in all sports.


Like Luck, he's a Detention's Kid. He's smarter than his friend, and when you separate the two of them, Magna's a lot quieter and more responsible. He's in the baseball club, but spends most of his free time studying in his room to get his grades up.


Vanessa's a party girl, and everyone knows it. She was held back in several grades and is the one and only girl old enough to show up to school completely wasted and/or with a hangover. She's Noelle's shoulder to cry on, while using Finral as her own.


Future frat-boy, for sure. He's Vanessa's one and only true friend, and everyone's convinced that they're hooking up. Never plays sports, but always played around a little with field events in gym class. Will secretly sneak off to his younger brother Langris' track meets and cheer him on without his knowing.


Asta's gym teacher and football coach. He's everyone's favorite teacher but definitely gives Asta and Luck favoritism. He gives honest advice about friends, sex, drinking, love, you name it, he's there for you. 10/10 the best man on campus.

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