What They Smell Like

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Definitely smells like sweat and Axe body spray. It's not intentional, he's not one of the Axe worshippers like some guys are, it's just for quick convenience and doesn't realize he's suffocating you with the smell.


Absolutely detests Asta's scent, so makes it a point to smell like wildflowers. Specifically wildflowers. Houseborn ones are just not cool enough apparently.


The sea. This one may be like, duh, obvious, but she uses beach-like fragrances to try and connect with her mana and bring her memories of her mother. She's very touchy about this, so don't bring it up too often.


Luck smells like grass. Like not in a bad way, how new-car smell isn't amazing, but it's decent and recognizable. He smells like fresh-cut grass, probably because he'd be rolling around in it:


Charcoal. He sets himself on fire so much in training that he just can't help it. He's super insecure about it too, but he trains daily so the scent lingers.


Vanilla. She knows it's the most enticing scent, so she sprays vanilla perfume on every day when she goes out. However, when it's just a lazy hangover day, you can definitely smell the booze from a mile off.


Cologne, but fancy. Finral sees Asta's faults and has tried to correct him several times by loaning him some expensive cologne, but to no avail. He's more than happy to tell you all about the brand and type he used though; he might as well be an advertiser.


Cologne, but dirt cheap. Also tobacco. He may sanctify his bathroom time, but that does not include the shower. He sprays on whatever rathole scent he can find and leaves. It's not pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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