Chapter 6~

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Izu...? POV

My breath.



short pants.

Suddenly, I can feel all the weight on my chest and the air goes down like swallowing water. I can hear the clock in the hallway chiming, it is normally so loud but right now it sounds like a whisper.

Why do I like being called "Man"?

Bakugous POV

I ran to the park, whether my heart is beating from the run or my anxiety is anyone's fucking guess. I sat on the swing, lightly rocking back and forward. I look down at my phone.

It's already 12:05.

But that doesn't make sense, Auntie and the Hag are hanging out tonight so Izu wouldn't have to wait to come here, plus she was so excited to exchange gifts.

I decide to wait.




I knew something was fucking wrong so I ran to Izumi's house. I knock on the door site frustrated before I start ramming into it. Eventually, I decide I'm not having this shit and I am about to break the window before I hear a quiet voice on the other side of the door.


"Yes, yes fuck, Izu it's me open the door"

The lock clicks and the door is open, ever so slightly. I pull it open with a forceful shove only to see Izu.

She has always been short but she looks so small now. Izu sits with her knees pulled up towards her chest, her hands shaking. Their face was splotchy, eyes puffy and lips chapped, salty tear stains ran across her face. Izumi's breathe comes in short, hollow gasps.

Izu...? POV

I need to move. I need air. I can't breathe.

I. can't. breathe.

I'm gonna die, I am dying. No, surely I'm not dying Kacchan is here.

".......In and out just like that"

Oh, he's been talking to me, how long has he been talking?

Slowly but surely I feel the air push through my lungs the room feels like it opens, allowing enough space for air.

" You are doing so good, keep breathing for me."

I look up and meet his eyes and he softly smiles. Bakugou softly squeezes my hand, I don't remember him taking it but I don't mind. As I calm down I struggle to hold myself up, panic gives way to exhaustion.

Bakugou's POV

I use a cold washcloth to clean up their face, they lean into my touch and before long are asleep leaning into my shoulder.

I may have no fucking clue what caused this but I sure as hell am keeping them from ever suffering through it alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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