Chapter 5~

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Izumi's POV

~December 24~

Dear Diary, Today is Christmas Eve and I am so excited it's only really my second or so Christmas. Mom and I only started when she converted to Christianity. I guess the reality that dad is never coming back to a worthless daughter and how isolated she felt hit hard and she turned to prayer. I've never cared for religion and frankly don't know much about it but it brings her joy, and that's all I could want. Anyways we only recently started celebrating but I have lots of fun and it makes me so excited. I've been meeting people online, one of the people I met had a crimson riot obsession (who am I to talk ) he seems super sweet and is as he chooses to phrase it "manly", he said I'm mainly, I like the sound of that.

Bakugou's POV

"KATSKIII" it's too fucking early for this shit I think as I head downstairs to find my mother.
"What I now you old fucking hag" I don't know what I expected because of course I am met with a smack.

I just lower my head and leave the room, no need to fight about something so stupid. As I scrub and scrub I can't help but wonder if Izumi would even like her gift. I really want it to be special she's had a rough year and I just want to make her happy

I finish scrubbing the dishes and I decide to talk a walk in the park.

The swing sets have always been Izumi's favorite, she used to sit on them and giggle. She doesn't giggle anymore.

Izumi's POV

1 cup of sugar
A teaspoon of salt
A cup of butter .....

I murmur the ingredients to myself as I measure them out.

"Sweetheart I will be out paying Mitsuki a visit I should be back in about an hour or so, stay safe."

Mom tucks my long green hair behind my ear. I hate my hair, it's reached my hips at this point and it's always a wavy tangled mess.

I realize it would be much easier with my hair tied back, it's moments like this I wish I payed attention when Kacchan taught me how to braid my hair.

Speaking of Kacchan I hope he likes his gift, I got him a grenade keychain, it's not much but it's the best I can do.

I put the lava cake into the oven and pull out my phone.

New Message From Cr1mson_Sh4rk

Cr1mson_Sh4rk: Hey bro you there?

Broccoli: yeah I'm here. Is everything alright?

Cr1mson_sh4rk: yeah it's all good man ...

I stopped reading the rest "" I softly repeat as if the empty room would tattle if I spoke too loud. Why did I like being called man?

Broccoli: sorry I got to go ummmm walk my dog, see yah

Broccoli signed off

Cr1mson_sh4rk: oh, okay.

Bakugo's POV:

I wait for-fucking-ever for the clock to tick down to midnight so I could see Izumi, we promised we would sneak out tonight and meet on the swings by the park to trade gifts.

My anxiety feels like a sinking pit in my stomach and I'd prefer to die than live another second like this. Almost as of magic the clock strikes midnight, it's Christmas.

Authors note~ I promise I haven't forgot about this story, I will start to try to get on a writing schedule but my depression has really spiked and I keep missing huge gaps of time. I'm sorry if this isn't as great as some of my other chapters

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