Chapter 1~

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Third Person POV

"Kacchan, wait for me,"
The small girl ran behind Bakugo trying her hardest to match the blond's brutal pace.

They were only 4 years old. Still, they always loved to compete. Currently, they decided to prove who's the best in a race.

" tsk, you'll never catch up stupid Izu"  the blond grinned triumphantly having proved he is in fact, the fastest.

"Izumi, darling it's the to go home" Inko called out.

"alright mommy, Goodbye Kacchan" 
"Bye Izumi"

~Time skip~
A year later, Bakugo and Izumi are each 5.


Everyone already had a quirk but Izumi...


Not that Bakugo minded, he and sworn to protect her, he promised he would be her hero, it was a promise he intended to keep.

Bakugo's POV

When I told mommy Izu was quirkless, she warned me to stay away for Izu. She said if I stick around I'll get teased, I shouldn't stick around with people who are lesser.

But I still love Izu, and I promised I always would. So I and Izumi made a pact, I will be mean to her in front of others, and secretly, we will stay friends.

So every day I push her, and kick her, and yell. Then, in the evening we sneak to the park and I give her my juice and she tells me a story. She's a great storyteller.

I go home and tell my mom I was out with the other kids. I never mention Izumi, not once.

Izumi's POV

When I am not with Kacchan I write.

I write about hero's, or the news.
I write about mom or dinner.
I write about how I feel or what I think.

Writing gives me a way to clear my head when it gets too foggy.

Time skip~
Third Person POV

Years pass and Izumi and Bakugo are 9. They stay friends in secret, but at school, the teasing gets more violent. Bakugo makes sure she knows it's just an act.

But Izumi slowly gets less happy. The girl who always wore a smile, no longer could. Food was harder to keep down. Something was wrong but Izumi didn't know what.

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