Chapter 4 ~

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Izumi's Pov
~time skip, December 20~

Dear Diary,
I can't help but feel as if I am suffocating in my skin. Drowning in this body I despise. Kacchan's always been like a flame strong, bold, and bright.  I have always been a child, fascinated by the glow knowing I will always be flammable and disposable.

Kacchan's Pov

I don't fucking understand. This time last year Izu was bouncing off the wall with joy. Now she barely smiles, even when we are alone she doesn't speak louder than a whisper. Even her voice is enough to break the dam.

Fucking obviously, watching my best friend fall apart slowly hurt but when she cries, when she fucking cries so much at night her eyes are bloodshot the next day I don't know how to help. It doesn't help that I can never fucking see her or talk to her other than in secret. I just wish I wasn't so fucking useless. Christmas is coming up and though it's a western holiday Deku has always been fascinated by it, probably due to Allmight's love for it. I want to get her a gift this year something that will make her smile. I just need to see her smile again.

~Time Skip, December 23,~

Izumi's POV

Recently mama bought me a phone since she believes I'm responsible enough to have it. I know it must have taken a month's salary to afford this for me.

"Izumi, Honey, come down for breakfast"

I look towards my mirror seeing my feminine hip and frame and struggle not to cry as I go down to eat.

Mama made steamed rice and miso soup it smelled heavenly and no matter how much I hate my body this is too good to pass up for anything.

"Its delicious Mama," I say as I practically inhale the food on my plate. I bring the plates to the sink and run of grabbing my shoes and coat on the way out.

I decide to mess around on my phone as I make my way towards school. I see Bakugo not too far ahead of me I hope he'll stay behind to talk after school.

~Time Skip~
Izumi's Pov

The last bell of the day rings, everyone immediately packs and rushes out the door. I slowly begin to put my stuff in my bag, Kacchan waits by the door a slight smile on his face. I finish packing and rush over to him.

He steps towards the bench we always occupy when no one is around to see. I follow behind him like a shadow but that's silly, Kacchan is a raging fire and everyone knows that


Authors note: I am so sorry I took forever to publish this. I hope you all enjoy it.

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