Chapter 6

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Allison's POV.

"I mean she can't do this...can she?"

"I don't think so I mean it's your life." Nichole said. Right after my mom sent me to my room I called her to talk to her about this.

"It's just so unfair."

"But you guys can still see each other at school right?"

"Yea but we wouldn't have anytime to talk to each other."

"What about texting or calling?"

"My mom will probably check my phone and if she sees I've been texting him she'll take away my phone."

"Well I'm really sorry Allison."

"Thanks...I just really wanna know what happened between them."

"Well maybe your mom will tell you some other time."



"Bye." I sighed. I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.


Next Day


"So what did your dad do?" I asked Matthew. We were eating lunch at school.

"He wouldn't say anything and when I tried to talk to him he ignored me."

"Same with my mom."

"It's just.....I wanna know what happened." Matthew said sighing.

"Me too."

"Do you think your dad's friends from his band know what happened?" I asked. He shook his head.

"He hasn't seen them since they broke up the band." I took a deep breath. I started eating chips while thinking. We ate in silence.

"I got it!" I said happily.


"I have an idea of how we can date again."


"Well our parents used to like each other right?"


"Well what if we can get them back together?"

"Wait what about your dad?"

"My mom and dad got divorced when I was 12...what about you?"

"They got a divorce when I was 5."

"I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for you too."

"So what's the plan?" Matthew asked before sipping his coke.

"Well what if we let them hang out and remember how much they loved each other."

"Wait I just realised something."


"If they love each other and they get married....we'll be step brother and step sister." Matthew said looking sad.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"No offence it's just I don't really think it's normal to date your sister."

"...well maybe they won't get married....."

"Maybe it's worth a shot though." He said smiling. I smiled back.

"I hope this works Ali." He said grinning.

"Trust me it will work."


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