Chapter 9

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Taylors POV.

"Allison what are you doing?" I asked. She was trying to get me to try on a very pretty dress.
"Mom come on just try it on."
"Tell me why you want me to out on this dress?" I asked as I slipped on my dress in the bathroom while Allison was getting something from my bedroom.
"Cause you have a date tonight."
"A what?"
"You know that thing you do where you go out with a guy and-
"I know what a date is Allison I mean I don't remember having a guy asking me out."
"Well I set you up with one.
"Mom come on when was the last time you actually went on a date?" Allison asked. I didn't say anything. My last date was with my ex husband Jim. That was back when Allison was just 11. It was our anniversary.
"But I have no idea who this guy even is!"
"Okay I'll tell you about him while I do your hair." I sighed. I got into the chair and Allison started to curl my hair.
"So what's this guy like?"
"Well he's handsome,he's sweet, smart, oh and has amazing hair."
"Have I ever met him?"
"Allison seriously who is he?"
"You'll find out when he comes over for dinner."
"But I haven't cooked anything."
"Don't worry I'll be eating spaghetti."
"Yea incase you wanna do Lady and the Tramp." I laughed.
"Allison I doubt we'll do that."
"Just incase."
"Wait Where are you going to be?"
"Out with some friends."
"Mom are you nervous?"
"Because I don't know who he is and I haven't been on a date in a long time."
"Don't worry."
"Okay he'll be here in about 5 minutes." Allison said as she showed me my finished hair. I smiled. I haven't felt this good in a very long time. The doorbell then rang.
"Oh gosh he's here how do I look?"
"Amazing mom you look amazing." Allison said as she smiled. I smiled and hugged her. I went to the door and opened it. I then saw a curly haired man with a Cheshire Cat like smile and green eyes.
"Hello love."


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