Chapter 7

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Allison's POV.

"Are you nervous?" Nichole asked me while we were walking down the hall.

"Me? Oh how can I be nervous when my mom forbids me to date my boyfriend and everyone at school knows and will make fun of me."

"Okay your nervous."


"How did they even find out?"

"Matthew changed his relationship from dating to single."

"Oh." I sighed and walked to choir. Matthew was sitting down. We talked about the plan and were setting it up. Hopefully we can pull it off. Bella walked toward me with a smirk on her face.

"I hear your helicopter mommy is making sure your single....too bad....oh well you were haut his rebound girl after all." She said giggling to her seat. The teacher came and I sat down,

"Alright class today we'll be doing improv, the first group is Matthew, Bella, Corey, and Allison ." Oh yea. I got up and we got ready.

"Okay your at home and Matthew is the father, Bella is the mother, and Allison and Corey are the kids."

"Wait what if Allison is the dog!" Bella said.

"Bella- Matthew said trying to get her to stop.

"No no no she's right there should be a dog okay Allison your the dog...and.....action!"

"Hey honey how was work today?" Bella said to Mathew.

"Ah I got fired."


"It's okay."

"I have great news that'll cheer up this whole family!"

"What is it?" Corey said acting like a child.

"I got us a dog!"

"Uh yep I'm the dog." I said embarrassed.

"Um Sir could you please tell this Amateur that dogs can't talk and are on all fours!" Bella said.

"It's true Allison if your going to play a dog you must act like a dog." I sighed and got on the ground.

"Woof." I said plainly.


"I went and got us a dog." Bella said.

"Awesome!" Corey said.

"Wait this dog has bugs in her fur." Bella said.

"Uuuuuuh woof." I said confused.

"Ew." Corey said.

"Aww it's okay I read that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs." Bella said.

"Maybe you shouldn't Bella." Matthew said trying to stop Bella. To late. She got her coffee and dumped it all over me. I stood up with tears in my eyes while everyone was laughing.

"What's the prob dog?" Bella said smirking. I ran out of the classroom. I was about to call my mom when I heard my name.

"Allison!" I turned to see Matthew.


"Hey hey hey don't let her bring you down."

"Matthew she poured her coffee on me!"

"You can clean it up."

"I'm completely embarrassed!"

"But that's what she wants don't let her get the upper hand. Don't show your anger." I sighed.

"Your right."

"Come on let's get you cleaned up." He said taking me to the lost and found to look for a clean t-shirt.


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