Chapter 8

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Allison's POV.

It was the next day. I went into the choir room. Bella gave me a death glare. I rolled my eyes. I sat down.

"You okay?" Matthew whispered into my ear. I nodded. He teacher came into the room. He sat down and be an to speak.

"Okay class today we are going work on improve. In by doing so we will play a game called Alphabet improve. Now when we do this start with the letter you are given. Let's say it's the letter P. Your sentence would start with the letter P then the next person would start their sentence with the letter Q. And so on. The game ends when there's only 1 person left. If you hesitate or say the wrong letter your out! First up is the same group as yesterday." I sighed. I got up from my chair and stood next to the others.

"Okay the scene can be anything you want the first letter is P....Allison start....action!" The teacher said. I turned to Bella. Time to get payback.

"Please go take a shower!"

"Quit telling me what to do." Bella said. Matthew then jumped in.

"Relax please let's all try to get along."

"Something just bit my toe." Said Corey holding his foot.

"Turtle! That turtle bit his foot!" I said pointing at Corey's foot.

"Unbelievable that your even here." Bella said to me.

"Very immature of you." Matthew said looking at Bella.

"What if the turtle bite broke my toe?" Corey said.

"X-rays are the only way to find out." I said.

"You should shut up!" Bella said.

"Zap! U just healed your toe with my magic finger!" Matthew said pointing his finger at Corey's foot.

"Thanks." Corey said smiling.

"Corey you out! Your sentence had to start with the letter A." The teacher said.

"Awwww I just got my toe fixed." Corey said sitting down.

"Allison letter A." The teacher said.

"Aliens are the only people who can heal by finger zapping." I said.

"By the way boring!" Bella said to me.

"Correct I am an alien." Matthew said. I gasped.

"Don't hurt me please." I said looking at Matthew.

"Even though she's extremely annoying." Bella said to Matthew.

"Fainting. Because I can't breath your Earths air." Matthew said falling on the floor.

"Gosh it fainted." I said pointing to Matthew.

"Hey why don't you jump off that cliff over there." Bella said pointing straight ahead of her.

"I think you should." I said smiling.

"Just where did you come from?" Bella said looking disgusted.

"Kangaroos." I said smiling.

"Lousy animals kangaroos are they are awkward and dirty." Bella said smirking.

"Maybe they learned from you." I said. The class ooooood.

"No one talks to me like that!" Bella said pointing her finger at me.

"Obviously someone should."

"Please run in front of a car!"

"Quite obnoxious of you to say." I said folding my arms.



"Thanks!" Bella said sarcastically.

"Up your nose I see buggers!"

"Very cleaver."

"Wish you though of it?" I said smirking.

"X marks the spot I'd like to punch." Bella said pointing her finger right at my forehead.

"Your finger looks weird." I said.

"Zero is what you are on a scale from 1 to 10."

"As if I care what you think." I said.

"Better watch yourself." Bella said angrily.

"Can't take it?" I said smiling.

"Don't push me!" Bella said even angrier.

"Eat your pants!" I said.

"You eat you pants Wait!" Bella said. He teacher stood up

"Bella your out your letter was-

"F I know!" Bella yelled. She gave me a death glare and sat down.

"Allison keep going letter G." The teacher said. I helped Matthew up.

"Get up alien."

"Head feels dizzy." Matthew said rubbing his head.

"I know what will make it better." I said smirking.

"Jumping jacks?" Matthew said confused.

"Kiss me." I said smiling. He smiled back.

"Let's do it." He kissed me. My first kiss. With Matthew. It was amazing! I had never been kissed before. My first kiss was defiantly magical. My heart was pounding and my head was dizzy. We broke the kiss and smiled.

"Man I love this school!" I said laughing.


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