Chapter Twenty Two.

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"Darling, all of my wrongs, they led me right to you..."


It was way too fucking early.

And the sun was way too fucking bright.

Mostly, though, his arms felt way too fucking empty.

The only reason Tristan even bothered to open his eyes and have them feel as though the sun were deep-frying them, and to keep them open, rather than close them, as it was way too fucking early, was the girl missing from his arms.

In recent times, every time he woke up, the warmth from the morning sun wasn't the only warmth that greeted him, but the warmth from the girl wrapped up in his arms and, honestly speaking, the warmth in his chest when his eyes fluttered open to see her soft features and caramel-colored hair. Hell, even before he opened his eyes and he could simply feel her next to him and even smell the subtle jasmine scent that always lingered on her.

Except, this morning, she wasn't fucking there. And that annoyed Tristan more than he wanted to admit. More than her not being there, it was the date. Of all the days, today was the day he woke up with her gone. His birthday. And, well, the thought of her not remembering, or worse, not caring enough to stick around caused a sinking feeling in his chest that annoyed him more than anything.

Confusion caused him to sit up, rubbing his eye sleepily as he looked around his room. His dad wasn't home, not wanting to be home for Tristan's birthday, so Evelyn had stayed over, yet she wasn't there when he woke up. It was very out-of-character for her, so he looked around. Tristan spotted something on his dresser, so he got out of bed and walked toward it.

It was a bowl of cereal, his favorite kind, and a note was under it. He pulled it out, taking a bit longer to read it than the average person.

'Once done eating,

go to the place of our first proper meeting,

a sanctuary of reading.

Find the next note,

and follow my directions as you go.

P.S., good morning, Tris. I hope you slept well. I also poured the milk in before the cereal, just for you (because you're clearly some sort of alien).'

In the way one couldn't stop their eyes from watering when in pain, he didn't have any semblance of control over the way his lips curved upwards to the point where it was no longer close-lipped, but a full-blown grin.

Tristan was quick about the way he ate his cereal... He was also quick about the way he brushed his teeth... And the way he got dressed... As well as the way he got into his car. If he was being real fucking honest with himself, he was being speedy about all his actions because he was eager. Like a puppy begging for food from their human; absolutely eager.

It wasn't long before he got to the library. An older woman he always saw in the library was quick to greet him.

"Evie said you'd be here right around this time," the lady said with a kind smile.

Never before had Tristan felt any guilt about never even asking the lady's name, but for some reason, as he looked at her wrinkled face and kind smile, he felt bad for never bothering to ask, as she was always nice to him.

The woman slid a book and a banana nut muffin with a coffee, which he was sure was made the exact way he liked it.

Tristan returned the lady's smile. "Thank you. I never got your name."

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