When we pulled up to the store, I felt my heart drop. Of course it was haunted like they had said; it looked like something straight out of a horror movie.
The creepy, flickering lights outside the store stating that it was 'closed', the chain-link fence enclosing the place with a busted padlock, and, of course, the fact that it was surrounded by the woods.
I gulped. Did I just make a mistake?
"This place is so sick. How'd you find it again, Wends?"
Wendy shut off the car and simply shrugged. "Eh, when my parents got suspicious when my dealer showed up, I looked for a new place to meet. Here it is."
"We're not gonna run into the ex-boyfriend-drug-dealer tonight, are we?" Robbie asked as he hopped out of the car.
She snorted. "Nah."
The rest of the crew got out of the van, with me being last. I couldn't believe I agreed to this. Sure, I liked adventures as much as the next person, but this was a little too freaky.
With all the monsters I'd seen, I was absolutely certain that there was going to be something inside that store.
"How do we get in?" One of the guys asked.
Smirking like the shark she was, Wendy produced a small keg from the inside of her black jean pocket.
"How the heck did you get a key?" Nate asked, looking astonished.
"No, wait, lemme guess." Robbie rolled his eyes in Wendy's direction. "You 'know a guy'?"
Wendy turned to look over her shoulder at Robbie, still grinning. "You guessed it."
I stood there, silently fuming. How could I have been such an idiot? There was clearly some sort of romantic tension between Robbie (my ultimate dream guy) and this red headed wonder.
"Well, are we going in? Or are you guys scared?" Wendy cackled.
How the heck did she know that I was scared? I thought I was covering it so well. I frowned and shook my head. She might as well have been asking that question directly to me.
"Nah, let's go." Lee jumped the gun and pushed his way to the door. "Come on, Wends, unlock it!"
Wendy did as she was asked and quickly unlocked the door. Slowly, much unlike her pace with unlocking the door, she peeled the door open.
It smelled musty in there, but it wasn't like it was the scent of the dead. Everyone made their way into the place, but for some reason my feet stayed planted on the ground outside.
I looked up from my feet and saw Robbie standing halfway in the doorway, his eyes looking slightly concerned.
"If you're scared, we can leave. I can probably convince Wendy to let us go to Greasy's." He shrugged as if it were no big deal.
It was nice to know that he cared, and it was obvious he could get Wendy to change locations. But I was already here, and I didn't want to appear like a weak kid to him. And I was not about to go to no secondary location.
"No." I shook my head, trying to appear nonchalant. "It's just, I thought I heard something."
"Ah, probably just Nate and Lee tryin' to scare ya." Robbie chuckled. "They can smell your fear."
"What?!" I exclaimed, appalled.
But Robbie only laughed. "I'm only teasing, Paz. Don't worry so much, Wendy comes here all the time, and nothing bad has ever happened to her."
Judging by the looks of her, I'd say she was the one doing bad to others, I bit back the rather sharp remark, and nodded.
"Ready to go in, then?" He asked, his voice sounding genuinely caring.
I needed to get this guy. There was no way I'd find another guy who was as caring as Robbie was.
"You guys comin in or what?"
Robbie held the door as I walked in, and much to my surprise, the place was actually nice enough.
It was dirty, but not as dirty as something from a horror movie, so no tell-tale signs so far. The counter was full of stuff; a radio, bags of random crap, and makeup.
"Is this all yours?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Yeah, just in case I need another place to crash after-"
"-a party?" Tambry finished for her.
Strange. That was the first time I ever heard Tambry speak. But she spoke so monotone that it surprisingly fit her character.
"You know it, Tambers." Wendy winked.
"You go to parties?" I asked. I'd never been to one other than birthday parties and a rather chaotic New Year's Eve party.
"She goes to them all the time." Thompson spoke up as he ripped open a random chip bag that I couldn't guess how old it was.
"Do you go, too, Robbie?" I asked, watching him as he walked over to the radio.
"Sometimes," he replied sheepishly. "It's fun to let loose, but I don't condone them really. You're what, fourteen?"
"I'm almost sixteen." I declared.
"Still, you shouldn't go unless you know them." Robbie replied. "Until you're at least sixteen."
"Wendy's the exception." Lee spoke up. "She's always been older than she is."
"How old are you?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me yet again.
"Seventeen." She shrugged. "Anyways, I love this whole meet n' greet, but come on. I'd rather have fun."
She met Robbie at the counter with the radio, and plugged her phone into it.
"This is like a party, Paz."
From Wendy's speaker blared loud obnoxious rock music, the base being particularly too loud for a radio, but I didn't question it.
I noticed Wendy passing out bottles to everyone except me, and I could only guess what was inside. Fortunately for me, Robbie declined his.
"Someone's gotta be the designated driver tonight!" Robbie yelled over the blaring music.
"I prefer to be the designated drinker!" Wendy took a long swig and moved over to Robbie.
I watched in horror as she kissed him right in front of everyone, and he didn't seem to pull away.
Frustrated, I walked away from the smooching and headed over to the door. No one seemed to notice that I started to leave.
I just wanted to leave, even though I hadn't been there that long. I thought Robbie wouldn't like a girl like Wendy, and instead would like a girl like me, but I guess I was wrong.
The convenience store wasn't too far from where I lived, I could just as easily walk home.
I yanked on the door and was surprised when it didn't open. Did Wendy seriously lock the door? I looked around for a turn-lock and felt my skin crawl when there wasn't one.
"Hey guys?" I called over the music. "The door won't budge!"
"You're leaving?" Robbie asked, his face flushed. He jogged over to me. "But hold up, what do ya mean it won't budge?"
He pushed on the door. "Wendy, this isn't funny. Unlock the door."
We got no response. I looked and followed Robbie's eyes to where he probably left Wendy.
But she was gone.

It Started With a Partnership (discontinued)
Fanfiction[yes this was on my other account but since i can't get into it, I'm using this one now] "It's simple, really," he took a step toward me, "we're partners." "Partners?" I wrinkled my nose. "Why would I want to work with you?" "Because despite everyt...