I couldn't believe it. Dipper was actually going to tell me things that I wanted to know about Reverse Falls.
After our discussion a few nights ago, I opted to ask Dipper if he had a phone and if I could have his number. I had to clarify that it was strictly for business and communication purposes after he asked if I was going to late-night booty-call him.
After much deliberation, he made a compromise. He instructed that I give him my number and that he would text me with our first meet up. I figured it was because he was giving himself time to cop-out of our little arrangement.
When he texted me at nearly midnight a few days later, I was shocked that he decided to follow through with our agreement.
Unknown Number: I trust that you are still awake. There is something that needs to be taken care of. If you want to learn something about this town, meet me outside Greasy's Diner. Come alone. And be prepared.
If I hadn't given my number out to Dipper a few days ago, I would've been so creeped out by a random message like that. But, alas, I did.
I waited until I was certain that my whole family was asleep. And then I got ready.
It was mid-June, so I opted to wear jeans instead of shorts because it was kinda chilly outside. Pulling a hoodie over my t-shirt, I looked around my bedroom to see if I needed anything else.
Dipper hadn't mentioned me bringing anything in the text he sent. Maybe I shouldn't. I shrugged and pulled my blonde hair into a high ponytail and slowly sneaked out of my bedroom.
With the stairs being as creaky as they were, it took a lot of patience to make it down silently. I was definitely going to need a better mode of escape if these meetings with Dipper were to continue. Maybe a rope ladder I could dangle outside my window?
After I safely made it outside, I darted in the direction of Greasy's Diner.
Deciding that maybe I should've texted him back, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and sent a quick reply.
Me: I'm on my way
Once I made it to the diner, I saw Dipper lingering off in the shadows. I gave him a small wave and walked over.
"Hey." I greeted. How else was I suppose to greet him? "This the place you usually hang out?"
"That hardly concerns you." He rolled his eyes. "Look, I just got word that something sinister is affecting the old school-house."
"Reverse Falls has an old school-house?" I snorted. "Yikes, and I thought California was strange."
"Listen, Pacifica." Dipper heaved yet another sigh. "You could walk away scot-free right now. You're either in or out; what do you want to do?"
Did he think he could scare me? Not on my watch. "Look, I wanna help." I stated slowly, as if I were speaking to a child. "What's going on there?"
"Follow me, and you'll see." Dipper flashed a set of car keys.
"You can drive?"
"How old do you think I am?"
"Fair point."

It Started With a Partnership (discontinued)
Fanfiction[yes this was on my other account but since i can't get into it, I'm using this one now] "It's simple, really," he took a step toward me, "we're partners." "Partners?" I wrinkled my nose. "Why would I want to work with you?" "Because despite everyt...