I didn't anticipate for Reverse Falls to be so strange. Granted, I had already been living there for two weeks, and thought it was the most boring town in the entire world, until it happened.
I was watching tv in the living room of the Mystery Shack (we were staying with my uncle and cousin until we were all settled) when the monster broke the window nearest to me. It was short, and fat with a pointy red hat.
I let out a yelp and hopped off the chair, wincing when I hit the ground. What the heck was that thing?
It started sniffing around the tv, clapping to itself when it managed to turn it off and on. Growing frustrated, I picked up a golf club that was laying near the tv. Why? Because my parents hadn't finished their unpacking.
"Don't come any closer." I whispered, hoping to strike fear in the mind of the little thing, but it continued to ignore me.
It waddled around, finding little things on the floor and was interested in them. Not the human threatening it.
I clenched my fist tighter around the golf club and took a few steps closer to the thing. It didn't seem to notice me at all. I felt a smile growing on my face.
That poor thing wouldn't know what was coming. Before it could react, I putted the thing right out the window it came from and dropped the club afterward.
"That was weird." I muttered, shaking my head.
I was starting to like Reverse Falls more, and that creature was the start of it all.
~ ~ ~
Two days after the same incident occurred, but a different type of the creature. He looked different from the first thing that showed up, but yet the same.
And I handled him the same way I handled the other one; with a golf club. If things continued the way they were, I'd have to bring a golf club with me everywhere I went.
I managed to kick it out once again before my parents came into the room. "What was that racket?" My mom asked, looking around.
"Nothing," I shrugged, dropping the golf club. What could I tell eh3r? That there were little monsters coming into our horse? No, that would make us move away immediately, and there was no way I was going through that process again.
My mom shrugged it off and looked down at the golf club. "Heard there's a golf course here, Pacifica. If you9 want, we can go to it tomorrow for some fun family time!"
I found myself nodding along. "Yeah, it would be fun." and it would also take my mind off having literally nothing else to do there.
"Okay, I'll let your faf know what the plan is. But for now," she glanced warily at the club, "maybe save the practice for tomorrow, or go outside."
I let out a sigh and dropped the club onto the floor. I didn't really want to do anything, but golfing would hopefully manage to take my mind off th4e fact that I only have one friend in Reverse Falls.
His name was Gideon, but he was my cousin, so he was supposed to be my friend. But he was nice, and he was cool eno0ugh, although he was a year younger than me. But it had been two weeks, and I knew that I needed to make more.
"I'll wait for tomorrow." I groaned and sat back down on the yellow chair in the living room.
~ ~ ~
When we arrived at the golf course, I was prepared to have a good time. Gideon rushed ahead, shouting that he was the best in the world, but I was doubtful.
Two hours in and he was beating me. I was the best at golf back in my old house in California, but it appeared that I had to up the ante, so to speak.
"C'mon, Paz," Gideon said, using a nickname I sorta liked. "It's like you're not even trying."
"I am too, trying!" I protested. "It's just....been awhile since I've played."
"Uh-huh." He mumbled, not entirely believing my statement.
A few more minutes passed before I really started picking up the pace, and matching Gideon score for score.
It came down to the final hole, both of us tied. "Hope I win." Gideon stated, not caring if he said it in front of me. "At least we had fun, right?"
"Sure," I muttered, not really caring if he won. After all, it was just a game.
When he whacked his ball, it went straight into the hole. Giving himself a fist bump, Gideon plucked the ball from the hole and stood a few paces away. "If you get it in, we have to play another game, got it?"
I looked up at the sky. The sun had begun to set, I wondered if we even had time to play another game. "If we have time. Otherwise, we can come tomorrow."
"Nah." he shook his head. "Golf course is closed this saturday."
"Why?" I demanded.
"Rich family takes it upon themselves to remind the town how rich that are by renting out the entire course for a day.'' Gideon explained. "Only the richest of the rich are allowed to come. The only commoners, for lack of better term, allowed in are the ones that end up serving at the place."
"Rich family?" I found myself echoing. "Reverse Falls has a 'rich' family?"
"Oh yeah." Gideon nodded. "I'm surprised I didn't mention it to ya earlier." He shrugged. "Oh well."
"The family rents out the course?" It still didn't make any sense to me. "That makes no sense. How can they do that?"
"Reputation, money." Gideon listed. "I think."
"Alright, we'll have to play again on Sunday, then." I agreed. "If, I tie up with you."
Gideon only nodded.
I lined myself up to take the shot, all my nerves tingling. But what Gideon had said threw me off. A rich family? Seriously? I took the shot and groaned aloud when I missed by a mile. I must've swung too hard.
"Way to go, Paz." Gideon rolled his eyes. "You hit it all the way into the woods!"
"Sorry." I winced. "I'll get it quickly and then we can go home, okay?"
Gideon nodded. "Don't take too long!"
I nodded in return and raced into the woods.

It Started With a Partnership (discontinued)
Fanfiction[yes this was on my other account but since i can't get into it, I'm using this one now] "It's simple, really," he took a step toward me, "we're partners." "Partners?" I wrinkled my nose. "Why would I want to work with you?" "Because despite everyt...