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You're currently stood backstage getting ready to go on for your final song of the night. You miss Lauren.

After a few minutes, you go on.

"Okay. So, there's two options guys. Nothing holding me back or In my blood? Loudest cheers decide. When i call one out, cheer. Whichever gets the loudest cheer, I'll finish tonight off with."

You stand up.

"So, In my blood."


"Or, Nothing holding me back."

Louder cheers.

"Nothing holding me back it is."

The music starts. Lauren is stood in the front row. How you haven't seen her yet is bizarre. She's been in that row the entire show.

She knows how much you love to perform this song so she's excited to see it in person. In the fans point of view.

"Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back (oh whoa)
There's nothing holdin' me back
I feel so free when you're with me, baby
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back"

The song finishes and the crowd errupts into cheers. You sit down.

"Okay. That was fun. I love that song. Definitely my favourite. It's so upbeat. It's fun to dance to. I mean if you ask Lauren. Whenever this song comes on on the tv, she starts dancing to it. It's cute. I wont lie, i miss her alot."

You hear people chanting 'Ysn' making you smile.

"Welp, that's it for tonight. I'll be working on my new album pretty much, as soon as i get home. But, i wanna do something. Someone on the front row pass me their phone please. On like twitter or Instagram."

Lauren does it.

"Thanks babe."

You stand up.

"Okay, when i say, i want you all to cheer. As loud as you can."

You stand with your back to the audience.

"3,2,1, now!"

The audience cheers, incredibly loud, and you take the photo.

"Could you send me this on Instagram? I'm gunna put it on twitter."

You pass the phone back to Lauren. You called her babe with out even noticing. You leave the stage. Then you realise.

You peak back out and see everyone leaving. You frown and walk into the dressing room.

"Weird." You mutter.

You change into something more comfortable. Someone knocks on the door.

"One sec!"

You grab your phone and open the door.

"Hey." Lauren says.

You smile and she walks in. Clearly it hasn't registered that she's actually here.

But when it does register, it's kinda funny. It registers while you're brushing your teeth.

You run out and hug her making her laugh.

"I missed you so much."

"I know. I heard you on stage. I was literally sat right in front of you. You took the picture on my phone."

"I did?"

She shows you the picture and you laugh, slightly embarrassed.

She plants a kiss on your cheek. You smile.

"That was the final show."

"I know. That's why i came to this one. But i dont think i can fly home with you."

"I think the fuck you can."

Lauren smiles.

"I'll speak to my manager. He'll be able to sit us next to each other."

"He already has. I just wanted to see your reaction."

"That's mean."

She shrugs with a slight smile. You both share a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

You both head to your tour bus and lay in a bunk together. There, you fall asleep in seconds. Lauren cuddled up into you. You really did miss this.

Hey! Sorry for the wait. I'm tryna update the books i havent updated in a while. This was one of them. Bye

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now