Crime scene investigator

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Your pov

It's like 5am right now. I'm sat in the main room of my apartment eating a bowl of cereal. Since I'm a crime scene Investigator, i gotta be awake early enough.

They give us all pagers for them to reach us. My pager goes off. Great. I rush around the apartment getting ready. I grab the camera i use and i go to the crime scene.

When i get there, i climb out of the car and walk into the crime scene.

"Morning Y/n!" Shawn announces.

"Morning Shawn! They dont go easy on us do they?"

Shawn laughs. I grab a pair of gloves and put them on. I'm morbid. I go into the bedroom and see the man and his wife. I take pictures. That's my job. I take the pictures an examine the bodies in a lab.

That's all part of being a CSI investigator. Well that's my part. I call for two ambulances to take the bodies to my lab. They do and we finish up swiping the scene for any hidden prints the killer might've left on the scene.

When we've found everything we need, we go to my lab. I put on a mask and change gloves while i examine the bodies.

"There's trauma to the head. The female victim was pushed. I have a feeling, she saw her husband or whateve the male victim is to her, getting killed. So, the killer shoved her into a wall. Violently. Making her head hit the wall, hence the blood splat on the wall. The killer took her back into the bedroom and finished off the job. But not immediately. The killer put her through hell. The marks around her neck shows the killer might've choked her with a rope of some kind." I say.

I look at Steven. He nods and continues writing.

"By the way these victims died, I'd say there was revenge call of some kind. The house itself was a mess. Someone broke into their house. Broke the house door down. The scene was originally supposed to be a break in but it went wrong fast. Now, i need you to take the bodies to the morgue for me." I say.

Steven and Shawn take the bodies to the morgue. I clean the lab and take off the masks and gloves. I go into the main area of the lab and pull of my lab coat.

I go to the main area and sit at a computer. My phone rings. I answer it.

"Y/l/n speaking." I say.

"Sorry. I got the wrong number."

The call ends. I frown and look at my phone. So weird.

After i finish work for the day, i go home. While walking to my apartment door, i bump into a girl.

"Sorry. I wasn't watching what i was doin." I say.

"It's okay." She says.

"I recognize your voice. You called me earlier by accident." I say.

"Oh shit yeah. Hi. Sorry about that." She says.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't expecting any calls today. Didn't mean to come across as rude over the phone." I say.

"It's okay." She says.

"What's your name. Maybe we could be friends." I say.

She smiles.

"It's Lauren. Lauren Jauregui." She says.

"Nice name. I'm Y/n." I say.

She smiles. She goes into her apartment and i go into mine. I sit down on my sofa and let out a relaxed sigh. I go into my bedroom and put on some different clothes. I sit on my sofa and call a Chinese place.

Almost an hour later, there's a knock on my door. I stand up and open it.

"Apartment 725?"

"Perfect. Thank you." I say.

I pay him and he nods. He leaves. I get about half way through my food when my pager goes off.

"You have got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!"

I quickly change and grab all the stuff i need. I go to my car with the food and i drive off to the crime scene.

It's literally 8pm for fucks sake. When i get there, i toss the empty tub in a bin, put the fork in my car and go into the house.


"Y/n! Upstairs! It's bad!"

I put on some gloves and run upstairs. There's like 12 dead peoples heads all in a circle.

"Holy hell! What the fuck?!"

"Yeah i said it was bad." Shawn says.

"Call an ambulance so the bodies and the heads can be taken to my lab. Keep them safe and I'll look them over tomorrow morning." I say.

"No. We need them checked out now." Mikael says.

"With all respect Mikael, i will be a wreck if i dont get sleep tonight." I say.

"Okay. Okay. Look at them tomorrow." Mikael says.

Every goddamn time.

"Fine I'll do them tonight." I say.

We take the bodies to my lab. Everyone goes home and I'm left on my own in the whole building. My phone rings. I answer it.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey. It's Lauren. You not home?" Lauren asks.

"Hey. No I'm not home. I'm at the lab. Why what's up?" I ask.

"There's been a package left for you. They brought it to me i was just wondering if you wanted me to put it somewhere." Lauren says.

"Thank you Lauren. You wouldn't be able to keep it in your apartment would you? I wont be home till tomorrow night." I say.

"Yeah I'll keep it. Just knock on my door when you get home." Lauren says.

"Thanks Lauren." I say.

"No problem. See you later." Lauren says.

The call ends. I put my phone in my pocket and then continue what i was doing. This is gunna be sooooo fun -.-

New book bitches!!!!

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