When two worlds colide. Part 2

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It's the next day now. Lauren is sat with her friends on one of the couches in the common room.

"So Y/n's had a bit of a shift then." Brad says.

Lauren nods, looking up from her book.

"Yeah. It's gunna be a struggle to get through to her this year." Lauren says.

"But you're gunna do it. Right?" Zayn asks.

Lauren nods.

"Yeah. Of course. I dont care how hard it's gunna be. I'm gunna push Y/n to the very edge." Lauren says.

Her friends smile a pretty wicked smile.

"How're you gunna do it?" Gigi asks.

"I'm gunna break her." Lauren says.

"How?" Brad asks.

"I'll let you be pleasantly surprised." Lauren says.

They all smile and nod.

"Then let us be that way." Zayn says.

Lauren smirks slightly and turns around to look at you.

You're sat reading a book. That girl with Autism that you'd helped to calm down the night before has now made 3 friends. She comes over to you.


You look up and smile.

"Hey Maya. What's up?" You ask.

"I made some friends!" Maya exclaims.

"I'm happy for you. You should go hang out with them." You say.

"What about you?" Maya asks.

"Dont worry about me. I have some friends in Gryffindor."

"Are you sure?" Maya asks.

"Yeah of course! Now of course, if you need me, you can come to me. I'll always be here for you. But, you should definitely go hang out with your friends." You say.

"Okay. Thank you Y/n!" She exclaims.

You smile.

"Of course." You say.

She runs off to her friends. While you read, Lauren and her friends sit on the sofa opposite you. Lauren sits and looks at you, slightly, while you read. You dont notice her looking at you.

Eventually, it's time to go down for breakfast. So you go and sit down on the table. You lied. You don't have Gryffindor friends. You do have one really good friend in Slytherin though. Dinah Jane.

So you're sat with her.

"Anything interesting happen yet?" You ask.

"Not yet. I'm expecting it though." Dinah says.

"In terms of?" You ask.

"Lauren. I have very very high Expectations for Lauren to do something to you this year." Dinah says.

"For real?" You ask.

"You didn't see her conspiring with her friends in the common room earlier? I didn't hear them but i saw them talking to each other. They're planning something. Something is going to go down this year. And Lauren is going to be the centre piece." Dinah says.

"I guess i have to be careful this year... she seemed different. Like she was trying to be nice to me. Last night after we got into the dorms. I think you're right though. Something seems different." You say.

"Yeah. I'll stick by you for the entire thing. No matter what happen. Bad bitches gotta stick together." Dinah says.

"You damn right." You say.

You look towards Lauren. She's looking at you. Dinah follows your gaze. She glares at Lauren. Lauren looks away. You both look away to one another.

"I'm telling you. Something is gunna go down this year with her. You have got to be careful." Dinah says.

You nod.

"Definitely." You say.

You both have DADA first. With Professor Lupin. Luckily for you, Lauren also happens to have DADA with one of her best friends, Gigi.

Neither you nor Dinah are aware of this but you sure as hell will be the minute you walk through the door.

"I'm only expecting the worst for this year." You say.

"You and me both. Expectations are below the floor." Dinah says.

"Unbearably low." You say.

You both walk into the DADA room and see Professor Lupin setting up the class.

"Oh we're early."

He looks to you both.

"Y/n and Dinah. Am i right?"

You both not.

"Brilliant." He says.

"We can help set up if you want. We're like 10 minutes early." You say.

"That would be amazing. I just need all the desks in the back by the stairs to the office. Today's lesson is going to be more practical than theoretically based." Lupin says.

You and Dinah help him move the desks and help him move the big wardrobe looking thing towards the front of the room.

"What's in the wardrobe?" You ask.

"That is today's lesson in there. I'll make sure to explain it when everybody else walks in." Lupin says.

You both nod and decide to just stand by the door. You both talk. The rest of the class walk in. Lauren and Gigi walk in.

"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me." Dinah says.

"What?" You ask.

She points and you look. They're across the room. Your eyes widen and you let out a sigh.

"Fucking wonderful. Why couldn't they be in the other class?" You say, looking to Dinah.

"I dunno. But the way that their body language is portraying them, they're up to something. I'm telling you now." Dinah says.

You nod.

"They're talking about something. I dunno what but tell me you have the sinking feeling the same way i do that you know it's not good." You say.

"Yeah definitely. We gotta be careful. More so you. Cos I'm telling you, she's gunna ruin you this year." Dinah says.

You nod. You both get into the rest of the class and stand together. Lauren and Gigi make sure to stand near both you and Dinah. This should be interesting.

Thoughts? I wanted to throw Miss Dinah Jane into the book. Byee :)

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