Shower issue

902 31 7

You're in the shower. Lauren is downstairs watching some random tv programme waiting for you. When you're done in the shower, you step out and slip. You land on the floor and your knee breaks.

"Fuck me! Jesus christ!"

You struggle to your feet and grab your towel. You put it around you and Lauren runs upstairs. The opens the bathroom door.

"Y/n are you okay?" Lauren asks.

"Sort of. I slipped and broke my knee but, i didn't hit my head." You say.

"We needa get you to the hospital." Lauren says.

"But date night Laur." You say.

"Fuck date night Y/n. You broke your knee. You need to go to the hospital." Lauren says.

You groan.

"I hate hospitals." You whine.

"Why are you being this difficult?" Lauren asks.

"Cos date night." You whine.

"We can do date night some other time. Come on. Go get dressed. I'll help." Lauren says.

She helps you to the room and helps you get dressed. She helps you downstairs and helps you put on a shoe. Just one cos the pain is ringing through to the rest of your leg.

She walks you to the car and you sit in the passenger seat. She puts your leg on the dashboard and gets in the drivers seat. She drives to the hospital and helps you into the hospital waiting room. You both sit for a good hour and get seen.

When you get seen, the doctor says it's broken and puts it in a pot. You get given crutches and told to go easy on it until it heals. Lauren helps you to the car and you sit in the passengers seat. You put the crutches by your feet. Lauren drives home. When at home, she helps you out of the car and you use the crutches going inside.

She shuts and locks the front door.

"We're having our date night Laur. Broken leg or not. I'm still having our date tonight." You say.

"Not tonight bubs. You gotta rest."

"Okay say we dont cook and just order take out. Make it better?" You ask.

"That sounds perfectly fine to me." Lauren says.

She orders Chinese and you both just sit and cuddle. When the food shows up, Lauren plates it while you find a decent movie to watch. When you're both finished eating, you both go up to bed and lay there together. She lays cuddled up into your side while you find another movie to watch. You both wind up falling asleep half way through of the movie.

Leg? Broken
Food? Consumed
Movies? Watched
Hotel? Trivago.

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