'Why her?'

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You're sat in an interview with Lauren and the interviewer asking the questions. They've been the expected questions so far. But one really catches your attention.

"Can i ask. Why her? Why Lauren? If you dont mind me asking."

Lauren looks to you.

"I didn't choose Lauren. If that's what you're wondering. I didn't get a say in it in all honesty. One day we met and i got this feeling, and it was really odd actually cos I'd never experienced any of it before. I was literally turning 18 a few days after we met. I'd never like... whenever people in school would crush on people I'd sit and judge. But i gave some pretty good advice on relationships. On a real. But like... I'd never had a crush on anybody. I'd never like... fallen for anybody before. So when i got that feeling in my stomach when i met Lauren, i was confused. I didn't know what it meant. So i ignored it. Like anybody would. Never mentioned it to anybody." You say.

You clear your throat.

"Anyways, we got closer and closer and every single day, that weird weird feeling just kept growing. And i just never questioned it guess i just out it down to being nervous around her. And it just kept growing. Fast forward a few weeks, we actually hadn't spoken for a few weeks at this point, I'm sat witu my mum. So i ask her about what it is and what it means. And she tells me. And that's when i realised that i was literally head over heels for Lauren. But cos we hadn't spoken in weeks, i just didn't say anything. Months then passee and we still hadn't spoken. Nothing bad had happened between us. We were both just busy i guess. And so over these months I'd been really struggling to come to terms with my feelings and it sent me into a massive spiral cos i didn't know what to do about it or how to feel about it." You say.

Lauren gently grabs your hand under the table.

"And then she text me and-"

You smile.

"-my whole world light up. Like.. i was so goddamn happy when she text me cos I'd been so low the past few months leading up to that text. So when i saw the text it was almost like my heart healed itself. And so anyway. We met up and i ended up spilling everything. And I'm not even kidding. Literally everthing. From the weird feeling to the sudden wave of pure depression in a span of only a few weeks. And then it just happened. She kissed me." You say.

She goes bright red because she remembers that moment like it was yesterday. The interviewer smiles.

"And i was like 'what do i do?!' I didn't know if i should kiss back or anything. But anyways. She pulls back from the kiss, it was quite a short kiss in all fairness, and we just stared at each other. Then we kissed again and 15 minutes later, we're dating." You say.

"That certainly was one hell of a story right there Y/n."

"Yeah i went off on one and didn't mean to." You say.

The interviewer chuckles.

"You're in an interview. Feel free to talk." He says.

After the interview, you and Lauren go home and cuddle in bed.

"It sure as hell was one story." Lauren says.

You smile and just laugh a little.

"I know. I genuinely didn't mean to go off on one. It just all spilled out." You say.

She smiles and rolls over in your arms.

"I love you. You know that?"

You smile.

"I certainly do know that. And i love you too." You say.

Her smile widens. You place a soft kiss on her lips and she lays her head on your chest. She falls asleep and you do not long after.

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